Joshua Mogg rang 999 after realising his partner, Jayne Rowland, was going to give birth on the motorway.
A transcript of the call, lasting two minutes and 13 seconds, reads:
Call handler Jonathan Leaton (JL): ‘Ambulance service, is the patient breathing?’
Joshua Mogg (JM): ‘Yes she is, she’s in labour. I think she’s almost about to pop and I’m on the M25 heading south. Sorry M5.’
JL: ‘You’re on the M5?’
JM: ‘Yeah.’
JL: ‘Whereabouts on the M5?’
JM: ‘Heading southbound between Bridgwater and Taunton junction. Between 24 and 25. I’m in the roadworks at 50 miles an hour.’
JL: ‘OK, for us to get an ambulance over there to you, you do need to pull over. You just need to slow down gradually, put on your hazards, and you need to stop in the first lane for me as far over to the left as you can.’
JM: ‘I am stopped now.’
JL: ‘That’s good, well done. Leave your hazards on. How many weeks pregnant is she?’
JM: ‘Literally 40 weeks and one day. She was meant to be induced at 9.30 this morning but obviously it’s all happening a bit earlier.’
JL: ‘Can you see any part of the baby now?’
JM: ‘Er, yeah.’
JL: ‘Is she having contractions?’
JM: ‘Definitely.’
JL: ‘Is there any serious bleeding?’
JM: ‘No, I think it’s just from where the baby is trying to push out.’
JL: ‘I’m organising all the help for you now. Stay on the line and I’ll tell you exactly what to do next. Do not try to prevent the birth. OK. Just assume the most comfortable position and take deep breaths between each contraction. You can listen carefully and do exactly what I say. You need to be on your back, as flat as you can.’
JM: ‘Yep. Baby’s coming out. Baby’s out.’
JL: ‘Leave the baby between the mother’s legs, level with her bottom. Is the baby crying or breathing?’
Jayne Rowland (JR): ‘Yes.’
JM: ‘He’s coughing.’
JR: ‘He’s coughing. Hello!’
JM: ‘Hello mister.’
JR: ‘Oh, that was quick little one.’
JL: ‘Does he have a name?’
JR: ‘Harry’.’
JL: ‘Harry, excellent. Congratulations guys, you’ve done really well.’
JM: ‘Thank you.’
JL: ‘Quite a story, delivering on the M5.’
JR: ‘I knew it’d be quick but…’
JM: ‘… not this quick. Oh here we are, I can hear something. The ambulance has come now so.’
JL: ‘I’ll leave you with them, OK. You’ve done really well, guys. Congratulations.’
JM: ‘He’s crying now. Thank you so much.’
JR: ‘Thank you so much.’