Scientists sniff out why dogs´ noses are cold

Why dogs have cold noses: Scientists claim they serve as ultra-sensitive heat sensors that can help breeds such as retrievers detect the presence of small mammals from five feet away

  • Temperature differences with surrounding environment to detect their friends 
  • Dogs do this with the use of their rhinarium – the bare end point of the nose
  • The research disputes the idea that wet noses help to release excessive heat 

Dogs’ noses are so cold because they are ultra-sensitive heat detectors, a new study has confirmed.

European researchers found that when ambient temperature is 86°F (30°C), a dog’s rhinarium – the bare end point of the nose – is some 5°C (9°F) cooler. 

This helps breeds such as retrievers to detect often very faint heat sources, such as the presence of a small mammal, from five feet away.    

The team studied three dogs – Kevin, Delfi and Charlie – who were trained to identify which of two identical four-inch wide objects had been heated to around 22°F (12°C) warmer than room temperature.

Thermograph of a dog in the shade at 27¿°C ambient temperature. The colour scale on the right is in °C and can be used to read out approximate temperatures. Note the warm tongue and the cold rhinarium (hairless nose tip)

The team used a Golden retriever, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever and a mixed breed. 

‘All three dogs could detect stimuli of weak thermal radiation in double-blind experiments,’ the study said. 

‘All stimuli of radiating heat used in our experiments were too weak to be felt by human hands, even at very short distances. We had to touch the surfaces to feel the warmth.’ 

The team say the rhinarium is ‘prominent and richly innervated’, meaning it is supplied with nerves, which suggests a sensory function. 

Compared to nose-tips of herbivorous hoofed animals, those of dogs are considerably colder. 

‘We hypothesized that this coldness makes the dog rhinarium particularly sensitive to radiating heat,’ the team say.   


Rhinarium is the hairless skin area surrounding the nostrils in certain mammals.

It’s part of the olfactory system and is therefore associated with the sense of smell. 

Animals with rhinarium – which also include cats, walruses, elephants and lemurs – are said to have a more acute sense of smell.

It has also been found to act as a wind detector, allowing animals to detect the direction from which certain smells have come from. 

In addition, the scientists used functional magnetic resonance imaging on 13 awake dogs, which measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow.

For this part of the study, the team enlisted the help of five Golden Retrievers, four Border Collies, one Australian Shepherd, one Chinese Crested and two mixed breeds. 

The warm stimulus caused increased responsiveness in the brain, they found. 

A dog’s nose also changes temperature depending on the surrounding ambient temperature.  

If the outside temperature is freezing – 32°F or 0°C – a dog’s nose will be around 46°F.

However, if the surrounding temperature is 59°F (15°C), the pooch’s nose is around the same.  

While it has been widely assumed the phenomenon is related to body temperature regulation, the researchers dispute this theory because the rhinarium has such a small surface area compared to the rest of the body. 

Researchers say the role of the wet rhinarium in regulation of heat is unlikely because of its small size, disproving previous theories

Panting is also a previously established technique by dogs to release heat. 

‘Furthermore, if a dog is exposed to moderate heat stress and starts to pant, it extends the tongue from the open mouth,’ the researchers say. 

‘The tongue is wet and warm, despite the airflow generated by panting, and is thus effectively dissipating surplus body heat by radiation and evaporation. 

‘The rhinarium, however, remains cold and is therefore ineffective.’   

The research team from Sweden’s Lund University and the Eotvos Lorand University in Hungary had their research published in Scientific Reports.