OLLY SMITH: Let’s celebrate female winemakers

For International Women’s Day sample these gorgeous wines made by talented women from across the globe

Today is International Women’s Day and there are plenty of talented women creating brilliant wine around the world, so let’s celebrate them. 

Matilde Poggi is a fantastic example, making the Bardolino I’ve picked out – about as delicious as a deft scented red can get. Years ago I remember Katie Jones set up her winery in France and was subject to an act of vandalism when tanks of her wine were drained. Plenty rallied to support her and I’m still a big fan of her work – check them out at domainejones.com. 

Some wineries are born from love, as in the case of South African winery mlfwines.com, where Andrea Mullineux shows her talent. Buy Mullineux & Leeu wines wherever you find them. And in the UK, look out for Emma Rice’s wines from Hattingley Valley and Sam Linter’s wines from Bolney Estate: plenty to be raising a glass to!