Mamils face backlash as they stretch bike rides to 200 miles

Cyclists are embarking on rides of up to 200 miles as they take part in long-distance challenges amid the nationwide coronavirus lockdown.

Around 30,000 British fitness fanatics have joined a month-long challenge organised by social-fitness app Strava, which tracks cycling and running exercises.

The distance challenge, which takes place from April 1 to April 30, asks participants across the globe to cycle a total of 777 miles. 

Almost 100 cyclists were averaging around 50 miles per day just nine days into the challenge, the Sunday Times reported. 

Other Britons, including a cyclist from Nottingham, had beaten the target by April 12, with 1,267 miles logged to their account according to Strava data. 

Tim Matthews, a trauma surgeon from Cardiff, has warned those embarking on long rides they could end up on a hospital ward next to a coronavirus patient if they hurt themselves.  

Pictured: People cycle through Battersea Park in London as they take part in their daily exercise on Easter Sunday

People exercise in Battersea Park on Easter Sunday amid the UK's coronavirus lockdown

People exercise in Battersea Park on Easter Sunday amid the UK’s coronavirus lockdown

Mr Matthews added he is ‘greatly perturbed’ to ‘regularly see “pelotons” of Lycra-clad cyclists on my way to and from work.’ 

‘Do you realise that if you have an injury you’re putting yourself at additional risk if you need to come to hospital,’ he said. ‘At the very least you might have to attend a fracture clinic, which means joining a waiting room of other injured patients, perhaps on several occasions. 

‘Worse still, you might need an operation, as was the case today. I can tell you that operating, fully clad in PPE, with unfamiliar staff, in a different operating theatre is an enormous additional challenge to what can be a complex surgery in any case.

‘You may contract COVID from the patient next to you. Your call, but my recommendation is order a turbo trainer or go out for a run.’ 

It is likely many cyclists involved in the Strava challenge have been riding alone, as per the government’s lockdown measures, with others competing on exercise bikes before logging their miles on the app. 

However, some are reportedly still riding in large groups. 

Last Saturday, dozens of ‘Middle-Aged Men in Lycra’ (MAMILs) ignored the Government’s Covid-19 lockdown rules to ride their bicycles together in Regent’s Park, London. 

Police have stepped up patrols and road checks over the bank holiday weekend as they warned would-be day-trippers to stay away from beauty spots – as the country prepares to enter its fourth week of coronavirus lockdown on Easter Monday. 

Around 30,000 British fitness fanatics have joined a month-long challenge organised by social-fitness app Strava, which tracks cycling and running exercises (Pictured: cyclists in Hyde Park today)

Around 30,000 British fitness fanatics have joined a month-long challenge organised by social-fitness app Strava, which tracks cycling and running exercises (Pictured: cyclists in Hyde Park today)

Tim Matthews (pictured) said: 'As a trauma surgeon in Cardiff I am greatly perturbed to regularly see "pelotons" of Lycra-clad cyclists on my journey to and from work'

Tim Matthews (pictured) said: ‘As a trauma surgeon in Cardiff I am greatly perturbed to regularly see “pelotons” of Lycra-clad cyclists on my journey to and from work’

According to Strava data, one cyclist, who is based in Swinton, rode for seven hours and 40 minutes on a 121-mile round trip to Much Wenlock, Shropshire on Wednesday

According to Strava data, one cyclist, who is based in Swinton, rode for seven hours and 40 minutes on a 121-mile round trip to Much Wenlock, Shropshire on Wednesday

He later embarked on another 115-mile trip on Saturday, amid glorious sunshine and temperatures of 79F (26C) over the Easter weekend

He later embarked on another 115-mile trip on Saturday, amid glorious sunshine and temperatures of 79F (26C) over the Easter weekend

The strict lockdown measures, which were announced on March 23, were put in place in an effort to keep people inside and halt the spread of the virus, which has killed 9,875 amid 78,991 cases in the UK.

But despite rules banning public gatherings and asking Britons to stay at home, police have been forced to break up beach barbecues and dozens of house parties over recent weeks.  

Duncan Dollmore, head of campaigns at Cycling UK, said: ‘This isn’t the time for people to be attempting challenges or seeing how many miles they can rack up.’ 

Others have criticised cyclists for allegedly flouting coronavirus lockdown rules. 

One man said on Facebook: ‘I go out very early to avoid these idiots! Not only putting themselves at risk but all those they come into contact with. 

‘This virus doesn’t take prisoners it is deadly! You are putting many NHS staff at risk by your selfishness. 

‘Boris, make laws to stop these foolish people, heavy fines for the worst offenders and on the spot tickets!’ 

North Yorkshire Police said today government measures ‘make it clear cyclists need to practice social distancing and should only ride alone or with people from the same house hold,’ Stray FM reported. 

‘Please remember that, as our officers are out on patrol ensuring people follow these rules.’ 

According to Strava data, one cyclist, who is based in Swinton, rode for seven hours and 40 minutes on a 121-mile round trip to Much Wenlock, Shropshire on Wednesday – despite official advice to ‘stay local’.

A cyclist on Clapham Common in south London the day after Prime Minister Boris Johnson put the UK in lockdown to help curb the spread of the coronavirus.

A cyclist on Clapham Common in south London the day after Prime Minister Boris Johnson put the UK in lockdown to help curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Cyclists in Hyde Park, London ahead of the Easter weekend amid the country's nationwide coronavirus lockdown

Cyclists in Hyde Park, London ahead of the Easter weekend amid the country’s nationwide coronavirus lockdown

Pictured: Cyclists and joggers in Regent's Park, London on April 4 as the UK continued in lockdown

Pictured: Cyclists and joggers in Regent’s Park, London on April 4 as the UK continued in lockdown

He later embarked on another 115-mile trip on Saturday, amid glorious sunshine and temperatures of 79F (26C) over the Easter weekend.

On March 26, three days into the lockdown, the same cyclist rode for 11 hours and 40 minutes on a 211-mile round trip. 

Britain will enter its fourth week of coronavirus lockdown on Easter Monday, with strict measures banning Britons from leaving the house unless buying essentials, heading to work as a ‘key worker’, or for ‘any medical need.’ 

People are also permitted to take part in ‘one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle – alone or with members of your household.’

Though there are no specific rules for how long a person should exercise per day, Michael Gove told Andrew Marr last month: ‘I would have thought that for most people a walk of up to an hour or a run of 30 minutes or a cycle ride, depending on their level of fitness is appropriate.’

The Strava website says: ‘Your safety and health, and that of the people around you, are of paramount importance – that’s always been our point of view and remains so now. 

‘If local government and health officials are asking you to change your way of being active, please follow their instructions to the letter, both for your well-being and your community’s. 

‘If you feel that taking a break from being active would benefit you or those you love, please do. We’ll see you on the other side of that break when you’re ready.’