Thousands of protesters stand off with mounted police as they swarm to Huntington Beach

Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters stood off with mounted police Friday as they assembled on the boardwalk at Huntington Beach angered by California Governor Gavin Newsom’s order to close the beaches and called for an end to the coronavirus shutdown. 

Gov. Newsom acted to close state and local beaches in Orange County to residents from Friday morning after ‘disturbing’ images showed thousands flocking to the sands last weekend – ignoring the state’s stay-at-home order.

The rally was one of many held in at least 10 states across the US on Friday in anger over the extended lockdowns.

Thousands in cities including New York City, LA, Chicago, Raleigh, Columbus gathered at city halls and state houses to demand freedom after weeks of being forced to stay home.

The closure announcement triggered criticism in Huntington Beach, in particular, as between 2,500 and 3,000 people gathered a block from the beach Friday to voice their anger, ABC News reported.

Sheriff Don Barnes of Orange County said his department would not actively seek to arrest people on beaches, according to the Los Angeles Times, as protesters were seen being pushed back by a line of police on horses.. 

Many who have been stuck inside for weeks criticized Newsom for policing the population and mocked him for trying to be an ‘all-powerful’ leader as police on horseback kept the crowds in line.

The crowds ignored social distancing guidelines and failed to wear masks. Most were seen carrying American flags as they led raucous chants in a much larger protest than the one gathered in the same area two weeks before.

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Protesters squared off with cops as thousands arrived at Huntington Beach Friday to protest against the beach closures

Police cavalry move protesters out of the street while they gather in a demonstration at Huntington Beach Friday

Police cavalry move protesters out of the street while they gather in a demonstration at Huntington Beach Friday

Protesters converged on Huntington Beach Friday to demand stay-at-home rules in California be lifted and to express their displeasure with Gov. Gavin Newsom's directive closing local beaches to slow the spread of coronavirus

Protesters converged on Huntington Beach Friday to demand stay-at-home rules in California be lifted and to express their displeasure with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s directive closing local beaches to slow the spread of coronavirus

Thousands of protesters gathered at Huntington Beach on Friday in breach of social distancing guidelines. Many of them were not wearing face masks, as pictured above, as they called for an end to the coronavirus shutdown

Thousands of protesters gathered at Huntington Beach on Friday in breach of social distancing guidelines. Many of them were not wearing face masks, as pictured above, as they called for an end to the coronavirus shutdown

Protesters called on California Gov. Gavin Newsom to 'open our beaches' after he announced a hard closure of all Orange County beaches on Thursday. Huntington Beach City Council said they planned to sue the governor over the closures

Protesters called on California Gov. Gavin Newsom to ‘open our beaches’ after he announced a hard closure of all Orange County beaches on Thursday. Huntington Beach City Council said they planned to sue the governor over the closures

The protesters gathered a block from the beach at Huntington Beach Friday carrying signs that criticized Gov. Newsom

The protesters gathered a block from the beach at Huntington Beach Friday carrying signs that criticized Gov. Newsom

Huntington Beach council announced Thursday night it had voted to sue the governor for closing the beach.

‘This is Surf City. Our identity is very much tied up in our beaches,’ Mayor Lyn Semeta said.

‘Constitutionally I really feel it’s not something legally the governor should be doing.

‘Governor Newsom’s mandate to close all beaches in Orange County today was a jarring decision that significantly impacts us here in Huntington Beach,’ she added in a statement.

‘Given that Orange County has among the lowest per-capita COVID-19 death rates in California, the action by the state prioritizes politics over data, in direct contradiction of the Governor’s stated goal to allow science and facts to guide our response to this horrible global pandemic.’

Gov. Newsom continued to urge people to stay at home during his press conference Friday despite the criticism, adding that the ‘only thing that is assured to advance the spread of the virus is thousands of people congregating together, not practicing social distancing or physical distancing’.

‘If we can avoid that, then we’re going to get to the other side of this with modifications a lot quicker,’ he said. ‘And I just hope people will consider that.’

Mounted police were brought in to control the thousands gathered which included families and children all protesting against beach closures

Mounted police were brought in to control the thousands gathered which included families and children all protesting against beach closures

An aerial view shows Newsom and a swastika carved into the sand after California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered the closure of beaches

An aerial view shows Newsom and a swastika carved into the sand after California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered the closure of beaches

A police officer talks to a protester while she gathers in a demonstration at Huntington Beach on Friday. Many of the crowd were mask-less and failed to comply by social distancing guidelines

A police officer talks to a protester while she gathers in a demonstration at Huntington Beach on Friday. Many of the crowd were mask-less and failed to comply by social distancing guidelines

A protestor holds a an image of Trump's face during a demonstration in Huntington Beach on Friday. The demonstration started after the city announced it would pursue legal action against California Gov. Gavin Newsom's order to close Orange County beaches

A protestor holds a an image of Trump’s face during a demonstration in Huntington Beach on Friday. The demonstration started after the city announced it would pursue legal action against California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order to close Orange County beaches

Between 2,500 and 3,000 protesters gathered at Huntington Beach on Friday, a much larger protest than was seen in the area two weeks ago. The city's residents are growing increasingly angry at coronavirus closures issued by Gov. Newsom

Between 2,500 and 3,000 protesters gathered at Huntington Beach on Friday, a much larger protest than was seen in the area two weeks ago. The city’s residents are growing increasingly angry at coronavirus closures issued by Gov. Newsom

Police in Huntington Beach told the Los Angeles Times that they were emphasizing voluntary compliance with the beach closure. 

‘We’ll see what happens over the course of this weekend and, look, if we have the kind of weekend that I hope and expect we will where we don’t see those huge crowds descend, then we’re going to be in a position — as early as Monday, Tuesday, I hope — to make some announcements of new strategies and partnerships that we’re working on in real time to address these large crowds,’ Newsom said of the closures.

Many of the protesters who gathered on Friday wore Make America Great Again merchandise and signs supporting Trump

Many of the protesters who gathered on Friday wore Make America Great Again merchandise and signs supporting Trump

Many of the protesters carried American flags as they called for an end to the beach closures in Huntington Beach

Many of the protesters carried American flags as they called for an end to the beach closures in Huntington Beach

As of Friday afternoon, Orange County had 2,537 cases and 50 fatalities. The state has 51,776 confirmed infections and 2,113 people have died.

On Thursday, Orange County saw a spike with 145 new cases, the fourth time in six days they have risen, after the beaches opened last week.

The governor had been expected to shutter all beaches and state parks across California from Friday, after a leaked memo from Newsom’s administration to the California Police Chiefs’ Association surfaced Wednesday.

But Newsom announced during a press conference Thursday the new order only applies to state and local beaches in Orange County.

‘Orange County has been on our list of health concern and they’ve done a wonderful job down there, I just think we can tighten that up a little bit. So, we’re going to have a temporary pause down there,’ he said.


Stage one: Safety and Preparedness 

Staying home and flattening the curve. Building out testing, PPE, and hospital capacity. Making essential workplaces as safe as possible. Preparing sector-by-sector guidelines for a safe re-opening. 

Stage two: Lower Risk Workplaces

Gradually re-opening some lower risk workplaces with adaptations. 

This will include: Retail (e.g. curbside pickup), manufacturing, offices (when telework not possible)  and more public spaces 

Stage three: Higher Risk Workplaces

Gradually re-opening some higher risk environments with adaptations and limits on size of gatherings. 

This will include: Personal care (hair salons, nail salons, gyms), movie theaters, sports without live audiences and in-person religious services 

Stage four: End of Stay-At-Home Order

Re-opening the highest risk parts of our economy once therapeutics have been developed. 

This will include mass gatherings such as: Concerts, convention centers  and live audience sports 

‘Everyone saw those images and we’re all concerned about that… That’s what ultimately led to this decision,’ Newsom added.

Newsom has published a list of ‘acceptable’ stay-at-home activities, including horse-riding, jogging, meditation, picnics, tree climbing, singles golf and watching the sun rise or set.

‘We want you to see sunsets,’ he said. ‘We want you to enjoy activities outdoors. What they don’t want is people congregating outside in large groups.’

On Tuesday, he outlined a roadmap for one of the largest economies in the world to gradually reopen for business. 

Curbside retail, manufacturing and other ‘lower-risk workplaces’ should reopen within weeks as coronavirus testing and tracing improves, according to Newsom.

Non-essential businesses like offices where remote work is not possible and childcare facilities would be in the first phase of reopening, along with some parks.

The next stage would involve reopening higher risk workplaces, including hair and nails salons, gyms and movie theaters. Sports without live audiences and in person religious services would fall in this category.

The end of California’s stay-at-home order and re-opening the highest risk parts of the economy would fall under stage four. It would include mass gatherings such as concerts, convention centers and live audience sports.

Newsom said higher-risk businesses and activities, such as concerts and large gatherings, would take months to restart.

California schools could start their 2020 year as early as July to make up for a ‘learning loss’ from closures and to allow the broader workforce to return to work, Newsom said.

‘We believe we are weeks, not months away from making meaningful modifications,’ he said. 

Newsom was among the first U.S. governors to issue a statewide stay-at-home order.

The Democratic governor has yet to set an end date for the order and has said he will coordinate with Oregon and Washington on reopening once safety benchmarks are reached.

Minnesota, Mississippi, Colorado, Montana, Tennessee, Georgia, Oklahoma, Alaska and South Carolina – will, or have already, restarted their economies following weeks of mandatory lockdowns that have thrown millions of American workers out of their jobs.

California will be ready for reopening once it has met benchmarks like statewide contact tracing to help identify those who might be infected and a stabilization in coronavirus hospitalizations, health officials have said.

The state ranks about midway among US states in terms of per capita coronavirus testing, with 14,602 tests per million residents, according to the Covid Tracking Project, a volunteer group that publishes data on the pandemic.

Elsewhere in the country, anti-lockdown protesters swarmed New York City Friday – the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. – to join thousands in rallies across the country to demand an end to stay-at-home orders. 

Sunbathers are seen social distancing on the sand in Newport Beach on Thursday. Cities including Huntington Beach and Dana Point are suing Newsom for closing the beaches to residents from Friday onward

Sunbathers are seen social distancing on the sand in Newport Beach on Thursday. Cities including Huntington Beach and Dana Point are suing Newsom for closing the beaches to residents from Friday onward

Beachgoers spread out Thursday, the day before the beach is scheduled to close during the coronavirus outbreak, in Newport Beach. California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday temporarily closed Orange County's coastline after large crowds gathered

Beachgoers spread out Thursday, the day before the beach is scheduled to close during the coronavirus outbreak, in Newport Beach. California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday temporarily closed Orange County’s coastline after large crowds gathered

Several men also marched on the capitol building in Raleigh, armed with automatic rifles, demanding Governor Roy Cooper lift lockdowns that have been extended until May 8.

The protests have been going on for weeks as states begin to flatten the curve and the virus begins to slow. Many governors and elected officials have relaxed some of the strict ordinances, but many are still angry that they can’t leave their homes.

They claim the shutting down of the economy is more damaging than the virus itself and are demanding residents be allowed to choose for themselves if they can go outside. 

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: A handful of protesters marched down the eerily empty streets of Downtown Manhattan Friday

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: A handful of protesters marched down the eerily empty streets of Downtown Manhattan Friday

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: A crowd of protesters gathered in Downtown Manhattan flying American flags and loudly chanting for the state to reopen - despite the fact hundred of residents are still dying from COVID-19 each day

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: A crowd of protesters gathered in Downtown Manhattan flying American flags and loudly chanting for the state to reopen – despite the fact hundred of residents are still dying from COVID-19 each day

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: A masked police officer makes his way through a crowd of 'MAGA May Day' anti-lockdown protesters

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: A masked police officer makes his way through a crowd of ‘MAGA May Day’ anti-lockdown protesters 

MANHATTAN, NEW YORK: One protester shielded his face with an American flag bandanna

MANHATTAN, NEW YORK: One protester shielded his face with an American flag bandanna

Columbus, Ohio

Armed protesters descended on the Ohio statehouse in Columbus again Friday, as Governor Mike DeWine extended the state’s lockdown until the end of May.

Groups of protesters – most of them not wearing face masks – gathered on the steps of the capitol building with guns, flags, megaphones and banners demanding an end to lockdown and calling for businesses to reopen. 

Several demonstrators waved Donald Trump paraphernalia and held up signs with slogans including: ‘Church is essential’ ‘Shutdowns kill too!’ and ‘Wanted for domestic terrorism – DeWine Acton’.

One protester was seen ignoring social distancing by confronting a state trooper and coming up close to his face. 

Similar scenes have taken place outside Ohio’s statehouse for more than 3 weeks now.

Governor DeWine and Amy Acton, director of the Ohio Department of Health, took the brunt of the demonstrators’ anger because of their roles leading the state’s response to the pandemic.  

In a press conference Friday, DeWine released the details of a new executive order as the current stay-at-home order is set to expire at at 11:59 p.m.

He branded the new order a ‘Stay Safe Ohio’ order rather than a stay-at-home order and revealed a relaxation to existing measures, including the reopening of more businesses and services.

The new order will be in effect through May 29.  

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Armed protesters descended on the Ohio statehouse in Columbus again Friday, as Governor Mike DeWine extended the state's lockdown until the end of May

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Armed protesters descended on the Ohio statehouse in Columbus again Friday, as Governor Mike DeWine extended the state’s lockdown until the end of May

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Demonstrators protest outside the statehouse in opposition of Governor DeWine's stay-at-home order

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Demonstrators protest outside the statehouse in opposition of Governor DeWine’s stay-at-home order

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Groups of protesters - most of them not wearing face masks - gathered on the steps of the capitol building with guns, flags, megaphones and banners demanding an end to lockdown

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Groups of protesters – most of them not wearing face masks – gathered on the steps of the capitol building with guns, flags, megaphones and banners demanding an end to lockdown

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Protesters hold up signs declaring Ohio Governor DeWine is 'wanted for domestic terrorism' for stay-at-home orders to protect citizens from the threat of coronavirus

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Protesters hold up signs declaring Ohio Governor DeWine is ‘wanted for domestic terrorism’ for stay-at-home orders to protect citizens from the threat of coronavirus

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Two protesters in gas masks hold up signs asking if self isolation is 'the new normal' and complaining Ohio is being turned from red state to (Russian) red state

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Two protesters in gas masks hold up signs asking if self isolation is ‘the new normal’ and complaining Ohio is being turned from red state to (Russian) red state

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Other right wing protesters turn the demonstration into a complaint about other political issues such as abortion

COLUMBUS, OHIO: Other right wing protesters turn the demonstration into a complaint about other political issues such as abortion

COLUMBUS, OHIO: A Trump supporter holds up a sign that reads 'Church is essential' in front of the Ohio statehouse while a MAGA flag waves behind her

COLUMBUS, OHIO: A Trump supporter holds up a sign that reads ‘Church is essential’ in front of the Ohio statehouse while a MAGA flag waves behind her

COLUMBUS, OHIO: A demonstrator confronts a state trooper at Friday's protests as they demand the state is reopened

COLUMBUS, OHIO: A demonstrator confronts a state trooper at Friday’s protests as they demand the state is reopened

COLUMBUS, OHIO:  One protester calling for businesses to reopen and lockdown to end wore an American flag as a face mask

COLUMBUS, OHIO:  One protester calling for businesses to reopen and lockdown to end wore an American flag as a face mask

COLUMBUS, OHIO: One demonstrator called for the state to reopen by July 4 so the nation can celebrate America's independence

COLUMBUS, OHIO: One demonstrator called for the state to reopen by July 4 so the nation can celebrate America’s independence

COLUMBUS, OHIO: A family brought their young children along to the protest, with the children not wearing masks

COLUMBUS, OHIO: A family brought their young children along to the protest, with the children not wearing masks

Seattle, Washington 

In Seattle, people protesting against Washington state’s stay-at-home order were seen waving US flags throughout the day Friday, while the state announced that afternoon an extension to lockdown until the end of May.

Demonstrators marched on downtown Seattle sporting Trump merchandise and waving banners calling for an end to lockdown across the state. 

Signs reading phrases like ‘Reopen Washington. #TyrannyKills #SocialismKills’ and ‘Control is not leadership’ were held aloft by people wanting to return to normal daily life. 

One woman dressed up as the Statue of Liberty and held up a sign saying ‘I will not comply’ 

May Day usually draws crowds of protesters for various causes in Seattle and this year was no different.

As well as anti-lockdown demonstrators, people were seen protesting outside Amazon Spheres in Seattle demanding the Seattle City Council tax the city’s largest businesses.

U.S. employees of Amazon, its supermarket subsidiary Whole Foods and supermarket delivery services were called to strike on May 1 across the country. 

Washington state Governor Jay Inslee has held firm with the stay-at-home order and refused to reopen the state for business.

On Friday Inslee announced the statewide stay-at-home order set to expire May 4 has been extended through May 31.

He also revealed his four-phase reopening plan for businesses across the state while continuing with social distancing practices.

He said each phase would run for a minimum of three weeks, though some lower-risk counties could reopen sooner.

This comes as the death toll reached 819 and confirmed cases 14,986 across the state.

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: In Seattle, people protesting against Washington state's stay-at-home order were seen waving US flags throughout the day Friday

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: In Seattle, people protesting against Washington state’s stay-at-home order were seen waving US flags throughout the day Friday

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: One woman dressed up as the Statue of Liberty and held up a sign saying 'I will not comply'

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: One woman dressed up as the Statue of Liberty and held up a sign saying ‘I will not comply’

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Protesters wearing face masks participate in a protest at the Amazon Spheres to demand the Seattle City Council tax the city's largest businesses

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Protesters wearing face masks participate in a protest at the Amazon Spheres to demand the Seattle City Council tax the city’s largest businesses

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Police watch as protesters circle the block during a 'car caravan' protest at the Amazon Spheres

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Police watch as protesters circle the block during a ‘car caravan’ protest at the Amazon Spheres

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: U.S. employees of Amazon, its supermarket subsidiary Whole Foods and supermarket delivery services were called to strike on May 1

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: U.S. employees of Amazon, its supermarket subsidiary Whole Foods and supermarket delivery services were called to strike on May 1

SEATTLE, WASINGTON: A group of Libertarian anti-tax protesters are confronted by people in favor of taxing Seattle's largest businesses

SEATTLE, WASINGTON: A group of Libertarian anti-tax protesters are confronted by people in favor of taxing Seattle’s largest businesses

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: May Day usually draws crowds of protesters for various causes in Seattle and this year was no different

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: May Day usually draws crowds of protesters for various causes in Seattle and this year was no different

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Police officers on bicycles gather outside a Starbucks to observe the protests

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Police officers on bicycles gather outside a Starbucks to observe the protests

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: As well as anti-lockdown demonstrators, people were seen protesting outside Amazon Spheres in Seattle demanding the Seattle City Council tax the city's largest businesses

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: As well as anti-lockdown demonstrators, people were seen protesting outside Amazon Spheres in Seattle demanding the Seattle City Council tax the city’s largest businesses

SEATLE, WASHINGTON: A protester stands on her car and blocks traffic as she participates in a 'car caravan' protest at the Amazon Spheres

SEATLE, WASHINGTON: A protester stands on her car and blocks traffic as she participates in a ‘car caravan’ protest at the Amazon Spheres

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Protesters hold up signs saying 'Unionize Amazon. Tax Bezos.'

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Protesters hold up signs saying ‘Unionize Amazon. Tax Bezos.’

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Washington state Governor Jay Inslee has held firm with the stay-at-home order and refused to reopen the state for business

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Washington state Governor Jay Inslee has held firm with the stay-at-home order and refused to reopen the state for business

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Members of a group wearing shirts with the logo of the far-right Proud Boys group (right) argue with a counter protester

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Members of a group wearing shirts with the logo of the far-right Proud Boys group (right) argue with a counter protester

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: On Friday Governor Inslee announced the statewide stay-at-home order set to expire May 4 has been extended through May 31

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: On Friday Governor Inslee announced the statewide stay-at-home order set to expire May 4 has been extended through May 31

Raleigh, North Carolina

Several rallies have been held in Raleigh, North Carolina in recent days, with protesters urging North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper to lift lockdown orders which have been extended until May 8. 

But on Friday, nearly a dozen armed men marched towards the Old Capitol Building in defiance of social distancing recommendations and pleas to stay home. 

Several members of the group openly brandished semi-automatic weapons as they made their way to the building.  

According to the News & Observer, the men were told they cannot protest while openly carrying their firearms. 

‘We were told we can’t use our 1st Amendment and our 2nd Amendment at the same time. We’ll be back on Tuesday to do the 1st,’ one told the publication. 

Across North Carolina there have been 10,509 coronavirus cases and 378 deaths. 

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA:  Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets at demonstrations across the country ordering an end of to government mandated lockdowns issued amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA:  Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets at demonstrations across the country ordering an end of to government mandated lockdowns issued amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA: A group of young men held semiautomatic weapons as they marched towards the city's Old Capitol Building

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA: A group of young men held semiautomatic weapons as they marched towards the city’s Old Capitol Building

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA: The group were told by officers they were unable to protest while simultaneously openly carrying their guns

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA: The group were told by officers they were unable to protest while simultaneously openly carrying their guns 

Sacramento and Los Angeles, California

 Around 400 people turned out for a ‘ReOpen California rally in the state capitol of California, with many protester creating posters and placards that criticized Governor Gavin Newsom who has ordered state residents to stay home as coronavirus cases continue to increase.   

Several demonstrators clashed with police officers outside the California Capitol Building on Friday, after they were refused a permit to protest. 

Further south in Los Angeles, hundreds more protesters also turned out to show their disdain for Governor Newsom’s orders.  

Across California there have been 48,917 coronavirus cases, 1982 deaths.