Holly Willoughby forgets social distancing and runs over to Phillip Schofield

‘The country just freaked out’: Twitter panics when Holly Willoughby FORGETS social distancing rules and excitedly runs over to Phillip Schofield on This Morning

They’ve been keeping a recommended two metres apart from one another while filming live on This Morning. 

But Twitter went into panic mode on Wednesday when in a moment of excitement, Holly, 39, forgot about social distancing and ran over to Phillip Schofield, 58. 

Standing close to one another over the oven, viewers were quick to express their fears for Phillip as he quickly ran away from his co-host during a science experiment.

‘The country just freaked out’: Twitter panicked when Holly Willoughby FORGOT social distancing rules and excitedly ran over to Phillip Schofield on This Morning on Wednesday 

They wrote: ‘#LooseWomen should we be having ago at Holly forgetting and going over to Phil this morning.’

‘Here comes the uproar and internet trolls. Holly just got caught up in the excitement of science and forgot the social distancing rules as she ran over to Phil. Awkward. 

‘Nice #SocialDistancing Holly and Phil”‘ 

‘The whole country just freaked out at @thismorning and Holly forgetting about social distancing. [Laughing] at Schofe dashing away; they make my day.’

Meanwhile, it has been reported that speculation that politicians are preparing to start easing coronavirus lockdown restrictions has resulted in a spike in stress levels throughout Britain.

The suggestion that social distancing measures could be relaxed has caused people to become concerned they will be more likely to catch COVID-19 and become seriously ill, with one in four people (25 per cent) admitting it weighs on their mind.

This figure is up from around 18 per cent of people before rumours began circulating that the government may lift some lockdown restrictions.

Researchers at UCL surveyed more than 80,000 adults and found worries about catching the virus are higher in women, people with children, key workers, people with a mental health diagnosis, and people with a lower household income.

On Tuesday, it was reported that 29,427 people have died from coronavirus in the UK alone.