Hilaria Baldwin posts photo of husband Alec watching Monty Python with their four young children

Hilaria Baldwin posts family photo of husband Alec watching Monty Python clips on his phone with their four young children

Alec Baldwin is an acclaimed actor who has also shown a masterful touch when it comes to comedy in both films and television, which includes his stints on Saturday Night Live.

It turns out one of his comedic loves and inspirations has been the British comedy troupe, Monty Python.

And on Saturday Hilaria Baldwin shared an adorable photo on social media of her husband in full-on dad mode, watching clips of the classic television show with their four young children.

Precious: Hilaria Baldwin shared an adorable photo of her husband Alec watching the British comedy troupe, Monty Python, on his phone with their four young children

Alec could be seen laying on his back on the floor of their family room while holding up his phone with all four children huddled around him. 

‘Nightly Monty Python watching,’ Hilaria captioned the photo.

Daughter Carmen, six, and sons Rafael, four, Leonardo, three, and Romeo, one, all appeared to be focused intently on the program to the delight of their dad who had a smile on his face. 

Growing up: Hilaria, 36, also shared a photo of their six-year-old daughter Carmen dressed in a yellow ensemble as she stared off into the distance with a serious look on her face

Growing up: Hilaria, 36, also shared a photo of their six-year-old daughter Carmen dressed in a yellow ensemble as she stared off into the distance with a serious look on her face

Passed out: Hilaria shared a follow-up post of Carmen sleeping after watching Monty Python

Passed out: Hilaria shared a follow-up post of Carmen sleeping after watching Monty Python 

Around the same time, Hilaria also shared a photo of Carmen dressed in a yellow ensemble as she stared off into the distance with a serious look on her face.

‘She’s six, but turning into a teen,’ she wrote in the caption.

It turns out all the fun and laughter from watching Monty Python with their father helped put the Baldwin brood to sleep. 

‘And just like that she’s a little girl again…who went to bed at 9:30pm… tomorrow we will suffer,’ Hilaria wrote in a follow-up snap of Carmen seemingly in a deep sleep a couple of hours later.

Dreaming: The couple's youngest child Romeo, one, was also photographed in a deep sleep

Dreaming: The couple’s youngest child Romeo, one, was also photographed in a deep sleep

Hilaria also posted a snap of little Romeo passed out from all the excitement with the caption: ‘Goodnight 1,’ along with a big red heart emoji.

The Baldwin family will soon be expanding; the couple are expecting their fifth child together in September. She has been updating fans on how she’s doing after suffering from two back-to-back miscarriages in 2019. 

They have not yet shared the gender of their unborn child. 

The Baldwin troupe: The couple are the proud parents of daughter Carmen, six, and sons Rafael, four, Leonardo, three, and Romeo, one

The Baldwin troupe: The couple are the proud parents of daughter Carmen, six, and sons Rafael, four, Leonardo, three, and Romeo, one

Growing family: The Baldwins are expecting their fifth child in September; Hilaria, who had two miscarriages in 2019,  has been giving fans updates on her pregnancy on social media

Growing family: The Baldwins are expecting their fifth child in September; Hilaria, who had two miscarriages in 2019,  has been giving fans updates on her pregnancy on social media

Going strong: The couple have been married since June 2012

Going strong: The couple have been married since June 2012