Instagram pop-ups notify users before their posts or streams are removed for using copyrighted music

Instagram adds pop-ups to notify users before their posts or streams are removed for using copyrighted music

  • Pop-ups will notify users in violation before streams or posts are taken down
  • Instagram says it hopes the policies will avoid inadvertent take-downs
  • Pop-ups will also inform users why their posts were removed 
  • The move comes as use of Instagram Live explodes across the world 

Instagram will now let users know ahead of time before their live streams or stories are taken down due to violations of its policies on copyrighted material.

According to the platform a new pop-up will appear when its AI detects that a user’s posts, whether it be a live-stream or story, contains copyrighted music instead of automatically removing the post. 

Instagram wants to makes sure you’re informed before you video or lives stream is taken down do to violations regarding copyrighted music (stock)

The change is being introduced to help avoid instances where a user’s posts or streams are taken down after inadvertently or unknowingly including unlicensed music.

‘These notifications are intended to alert you when our systems detect that your broadcast or uploaded video may include music in a way that doesn’t adhere to our licensing agreements,’ said Instagram in a blog post. 

‘Updates include making notifications clearer and surfacing notifications earlier to live broadcasters, to give people time to adjust their streams and avoid interruptions if we detect they may be approaching our limitations.’

The new notifications will not only alert users that they’re in violation of Instagram’s policies but will also help direct them to resources that more accurately describe why it was removed and what users can do to rectify the situation.

The clarification and enhanced notification system comes as Instagram tries to capitalize even further on unprecedented use of its ‘Live’ feature that allows users to broadcast themselves in real-time. 

According to Business Insider, Instagram Live usage exploded by 70 percent last month as people remain in lockdown due to an ongoing pandemic.