Coronavirus UK: Death toll hits 36,393 with 351 new fatalities

Britain today announced 351 more coronavirus deaths, taking the official number of victims to 36,393 – as government scientists warned the UK’s reproductive rate is still teetering on the brink of spiraling back out of control. 

Experts sitting on Number 10’s SAGE panel today revealed the crucial R-value – the average number of people that will contract COVID-19 from an infected person – was still between 0.7 and 1 for the second week in a row across the UK, down from the virus’ natural R rate of 3.

Officials must keep the number below 1 otherwise the outbreak will start to grow exponentially again and threaten a second epidemic. However, the latest data is three weeks out of date due to a lag in the government’s mathematical modelling. 

The R is calculated by working out how fast the virus spreads by comparing data including hospital admissions, the number of patients in intensive care, death statistics and surveys to find out how many people members of the public are coming into contact with.  

The new number does not factor in the slight relaxation of Britain’s lockdown measures, announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on May 13. Mr Johnson has said ministers would reimpose controls if the rate of transmission of the virus started to pick up again.  

London is thought to be leading the way in terms of its R value, with experts from Public Health England and Cambridge University predicting it could be as low as 0.4 in the capital. But the nationwide reproduction number is being skewed upwards due to outbreaks in care homes and in Northern towns. It has prompted calls for regional easing of lockdown, with London leading the way. 

The capital was formerly the UK’s coronavirus epicentre and at least two million people are thought to have been infected there, according to estimates. But experts say around 17 per cent of Londoners have now had the disease already and have built up immunity, which makes it harder for the virus to spread.   

Today’s death toll – which takes into account all settings – is the lowest recorded on a Friday for eight weeks, since 284 on March 27. It is marginally lower than the 363 recorded yesterday. 

Fewer than half of the deaths (172) were in hospitals, with the rest of the fatalities registered in care homes and the wider community. The numbers only take into account victims who tested positive for the disease.

Department of Health figures released this afternoon also showed that 3,287 more Britons had tested positive for the disease, after data released yesterday showed the UK had surpassed 250,000 confirmed cases – but the true size of the outbreak is estimated to have seen around 5million people infected. 

Home Secretary Priti Patel used today’s Downing Street briefing to announce that, from June 8, anyone arriving in the UK from abroad must self-isolate for 14 days or face a fine of up to £1,000. She said this would reduce the risk of new cases from overseas triggering more outbreaks in Britain.

In other developments to Britain’s coronavirus crisis today:

  • A Nobel Prize-winning scientist tore into Boris Johnson’s lack of political leadership over coronavirus that has left the UK on the ‘back foot’ and ‘firefighting through successive crises’;
  • Thousands of lives could have been saved from Covid-19 if Britain’s lockdown was imposed just one week earlier, a government scientific adviser claimed;
  • JD Wetherspoon revealed its £11million masterplan to reopen its 875 pubs as soon as the Government gives them the nod in July;
  • So-called coronavirus ‘immunity certificates’ that could allow Brits to return to work have come a step closer after ministers announced mass antibody tests are being deployed;
  • Australia is pushing to be the first country exempted from the UK’s 14-day coronavirus quarantine – as arrivals face ‘spot checks’ on homes and £1,000 fines for breaking the rules.


Every infectious disease is given a reproduction number, which is known as R0 – pronounced ‘R nought’ – or simply R.

It is a value that represents how many people one sick person will, on average, infect if the virus is reproducing in its ideal conditions.

The value has been estimated by the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).

They assess data from hospitalisations, intensive care demand, deaths and the number of social contacts people have.

Experts use multiple sources to get this information, including NHS hospital admissions, Office for National Statistics and CQC death figures and behavioural contact surveys.  

Using mathematical modelling, they are able to calculate the virus’ spread. 

But a lag in the time it takes for coronavirus patients to fall unwell and die mean the R modelling is always roughly three weeks behind.   

Most epidemiologists – scientists who track disease outbreaks – believe the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, has an R value of around 3.

But some experts analysing outbreaks across the world have estimated it could be closer to the 6.6 mark.

As an outbreak goes on, the R0 may be referred to more accurately as Re or just R, as other factors come into play to influence how well it is able to spread. 

Estimates of the COVID-19 R vary because the true size of the pandemic remains a mystery, and how fast the virus spreads depends on the environment. 

As an outbreak progress the R may simply be referred to as R, which means the effective rate of infection – the nought works on the premise that nobody in the population is protected, which becomes outdated as more people recover. 

SAGE scientists have advised splitting classes in half and having them attend schools on alternate weeks could slash the effect on the coronavirus ‘R’ number.

Evidence considered by the Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies (SAGE) suggests the impact on the spread of the disease be a fraction would be dramatically smaller if pupils come back part time.

A raft of documents released this afternoon also suggest that children are less likely to be infected and infectious than adults.

Many of the concerns about schools returning appear to be over the knock-on impact on social distancing, with more mixing of families and parents returning to work.

An assessment of various models of the impact of changes on the R rate shows the impact, on a scale of zero to one, would be 0.24 if classes were split and attended alternate weeks.

If half the class went in in the morning and half in the afternoon that would rise to 0.4. The maximum impact of one would be if schools came back completely.

A document from a behavioural insight meeting on May 1 said: ‘Although not initially one of the options proposed by DfE, options 7b (classes split in two, with children attending on alternate weeks) emerged from the joint discussions as having particular potential merit for further consideration.’

The findings will likely add to arguments with unions over whether it is safe for children to return, and if it can be achieved without triggering another flare up of the virus.

The files emerged as a SAGE source claimed Government plans to reopen primary schools are grounded in welfare concerns rather than evidence younger pupils are less vulnerable.

In the first phase of his back-to-school blueprint, Boris Johnson wants children in England in reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to go back to class on June 1.

However, the exact shape of the reopening is being left in the hands of headteachers.

Teaching unions have been threatening to boycott the move over safety fears, while a slew of councils have said they will not fall into line. Nicola Sturgeon has said schools in Scotland will not reopen until August, after the usual summer holiday north of the border.

According to the SAGE papers, evidence on how likely children are to transmit Covid-19 remains ‘inconclusive’.

Wider contextual issues – including whether families have black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) members – must be taken into account when assessing the impact of relaxing school closures on transmission.

Teachers do not appear to be at a greater risk of catching Covid-19 than other professions – but there is still some risk.

An assessment of various models of the impact of changes on the R rate shows the impact, on a scale of zero to one, would be 0.24 if classes were split and attended alternate weeks

An assessment of various models of the impact of changes on the R rate shows the impact, on a scale of zero to one, would be 0.24 if classes were split and attended alternate weeks

This is how social distanced desks will look at Holywell Village First School in Northumberland

This is how social distanced desks will look at Holywell Village First School in Northumberland  

Splitting classes in half and having them attend schools alternate weeks could slash the effect on  ‘R’ number 

Splitting classes in half and having them attend schools alternate weeks could slash the effect on the coronavirus ‘R’ number, government experts believe.

Evidence considered by the Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies (SAGE) suggests the impact on the spread of the disease be a fraction would be dramatically smaller if pupils come back part time.

A raft of documents released this afternoon also suggest that children are less likely to be infected and infectious than adults.

Many of the concerns about schools returning appear to be over the knock-on impact on social distancing, with more mixing of families and parents returning to work. 

An assessment of various models of the impact of changes on the R rate shows the impact, on a scale of zero to one, would be 0.24 if classes were split and attended alternate weeks.

If half the class went in in the morning and half in the afternoon that would rise to 0.4. The maximum impact of one would be if schools came back completely.

A document from a behavioural insight meeting on May 1 said: ‘Although not initially one of the options proposed by DfE, options 7b (classes split in two, with children attending on alternate weeks) emerged from the joint discussions as having particular potential merit for further consideration.’  

The findings will likely add to arguments with unions over whether it is safe for children to return, and if it can be achieved without triggering another flare up of the virus.he files emerged as a SAGE source claimed Government plans to reopen primary schools are grounded in welfare concerns rather than evidence younger pupils are less vulnerable. 

The Sage papers suggest that younger teachers’ attendance in schools could be prioritised in order to decrease the likelihood of infection for school staff in more vulnerable groups.

The publication of the advice comes after education unions and council leaders called for the evidence underpinning the proposal to reopen schools in England to be released.

‘Evidence remains inconclusive on both the susceptibility and infectivity of children, but the balance of evidence suggests that both may be lower than in adults,’ according to the scientific modelling.

Meanwhile, it emerged today that hundreds of thousands of coronavirus tests sent to people’s homes have been counted but never returned to labs, PHE’s testing boss has suggested.

Professor John Newton, director of health improvement at Public Health England, could only say today that ‘more than half’ of home tests had been completed.

The Government claims that 719,000 tests have been delivered to people for them to complete the swabs themselves, but a significant chunk of these may never have been done. The posted tests form a huge section of the 3.2million tests the Department of Health claims to have carried out.

And Health Secretary Matt Hancock would not have hit his lauded target of 100,000 tests in a day by May 1 if the department had not posted out 39,000 the day before. 

If up to half of the tests posted out to people had never been returned to a laboratory that could mean up to around 350,000 of them never completed the lab analysis – but they were counted anyway by the Government.

Professor Newton, speaking in a grilling by MPs on Parliament’s Science and Technology Committee this morning, said it had been the Department of Health’s decision to count tests that had been posted rather than those completed. 

In the same tense meeting, Professor Newton and his colleague Professor Yvonne Doyle, medical director at PHE, said Britain abandoned mass testing in March because the country’s outbreak was already too large.

‘Many hundreds of thousands’ of people had the virus after half-term, they admitted, and contact tracing ‘could not possibly’ have prevented the current disaster. 

Home tests have been available since the end of April but Professor Newton said he didn’t know how many people who ordered them were actually returning them to the labs.

When asked what the return rate was, Professor Newton hesitated at length before saying: ‘Certainly more than half.’

Professor Yvonne Doyle, medical director at Public Health England

Professor John Newton, PHE's director of health improvement

Professor Yvonne Doyle and Professor John Newton were today grilled by MPs and defended Publlic Health England’s actions throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, saying the Department of Health took the major decisions while PHE provided specialist advice

Matt Hancock's promise to test 100,000 people per day by the beginning of May would not have been met if the Department of Health had not counted tests that were posted

Matt Hancock’s promise to test 100,000 people per day by the beginning of May would not have been met if the Department of Health had not counted tests that were posted

Pressed again by Conservative MP Greg Clark, chair of the committee, Professor Newton added: ‘I’m afraid I don’t have that figure.’

The fact that up to 50 per cent of the tests may not be getting sent back to labs for analysis suggests that the number of tests the Government is claiming to do each day could be wildly over-estimated.

Professor Newton, defending PHE’s involvement, said the Department of Health took the decision to count a test that had been posted.

Labour MP Graham Stringer said what the definition of a test was and said: ‘Clearly, posting a test is not a test.’ 

Professor Newton replied: ‘The way tests are counted [was] discussed with officials at the Department of Health and we were advised by the officials in the Department of Health on the appropriate method of counting the tests and that’s what we did.’

Greg Clark, the meeting’s chair, cut in: ‘They advised you, you didn’t advise them?’ 

‘No, they advised us, absolutely, yes,’ Professor Newton said.

Mr Stringer asked with a raised eyebrow: ‘Do you think it’s appropriate? Counting posted letters as opposed to real tests?’

And Professor Newton replied: ‘Well, I think the important thing is that they’re only counted once.

‘The basis on which we were advised  that the decision had been made was that the test should be counted at the point where the programme had control of what happened, and that was the point at which the tests were sent out and made available for testing.

‘The key thing is that a very large number of tests are now being conducted and, whichever way you count them, it’s a large number of tests – it’s a huge increase.’ 

In the meeting the PHE bosses also admitted that Britain had to abandon its South Korea-esque approach to testing and tracing infections in March because the UK’s outbreak was simply too large.

South Korea has earned global acclaim for its policy of intensively testing and isolating everyone in the population suspected of having COVID-19.

This means the cases there have been contained to relatively small areas and the number of them is extremely low (around 11,000 confirmed cases).

Britain had wanted to follow the same strategy but, by the time officials realised the virus was spreading in the UK, it was already too late.

Professor Doyle said today that ‘mass contact tracing needed to cease in March’.

She explained: ‘It was a decision that was come to because of the sheer scale of cases in the UK which had been introduced by multiple introductions, particularly after half term, from European countries we now know had large amounts of prevalence themselves.’