Outdoor markets and car showrooms will reopen from June 1 with retailers following two weeks later

All shops open from June 15th! Boris announces full-steam ahead for next stage of unlockdown with street markets and car showrooms open next week

Boris Johnson has tonight announced plans to lift the shutters on Britain’s shops in the wake of the coronavirus crisis.

Outdoor markets and car showrooms will be allowed to reopen from June 1, if they adhere to strict social distancing guidelines, the Prime Minister announced at the daily coronavirus press conference at Downing Street this evening. 

Retail shops, including department stores and independent businesses, will be allowed to reopen from June 15, he also announced.

But all shops wanting to reopen will have to follow new guidance, set to be released today, if they are to be allowed to reopen.

And he warned the government will have powers to enforce those guidelines if necessary.