Gary Busey says he met angels after he died and came back to life following 1988 motorcycle accident

Gary Busey says he met angels after he died and came back to life following his 1988 motorcycle accident

Gary Busey met angels after a devastating 1988 motorcycle accident left him teetering on the edge of life. 

The Point Break actor, 75, opened up about his near-death experience during a talk with The Guardian published Thursday.

During the talk, Busey revealed that he actually died while doctors were operating on his bran, only to come back to life after receiving guidance from the spiritual realm.

Blessed: Gary Busey met angels after a devastating 1988 motorcycle accident left him teetering on the edge of life. The actor is seen in January 2019 above

The Buddy Holly Story star was left in critical condition after a motorcycle accident in December 1988.

Gary remembered: ‘I had an accident on a Harley-Davidson. I went off the bike without a helmet, hit my head into a curb, split my skull, passed away after brain surgery and went to the other side — the spiritual realm where I got information.’

The experience completely changed him.

‘…I came back, and these messages, these definitions, came to me first-class. I’ll think of a word and write the word down without thinking.’

While between life and death Gary said he felt like he was being protected by angels, which he saw as great ‘balls of light floating all around.’

Protected: While between life and death Gary said he felt like he was being protected by angels, which he saw as great 'balls of light floating all around.' Busey is seen in 1988, just three months before his accident

Protected: While between life and death Gary said he felt like he was being protected by angels, which he saw as great ‘balls of light floating all around.’ Busey is seen in 1988, just three months before his accident

Warmth: Describing the presence of the celestial beings, Gary said he 'felt trust, love, protection and happiness like you cannot feel on earth. It's the feeling the angels live in.' He's seen in October 2019 above

Warmth: Describing the presence of the celestial beings, Gary said he ‘felt trust, love, protection and happiness like you cannot feel on earth. It’s the feeling the angels live in.’ He’s seen in October 2019 above

‘And I felt trust, love, protection and happiness like you cannot feel on earth. It’s the feeling the angels live in.’

The father-of-three said three celestial beings approached him, telling the actor he was on a ‘good’ path but that it was now his ‘responsibility to mankind’ to ‘look for helping spirits around.’ 

‘Then a light said: “You may come to us now or return to your body and continue your destiny.” And every time he spoke, I felt so loved, like a little baby in the arms of his brother, so when you hear the truth over there you do it.

‘And the word truth stands for Taking Real Understanding to Heart,’ he continued.

No his time: 'The truth told me I wasn’t finished over here on Earth,' he explained

No his time: ‘The truth told me I wasn’t finished over here on Earth,’ he explained

‘That is the truth of your essence and your soul. The truth told me I wasn’t finished over here on Earth. When you feel the truth, BOOM! You go for it. The truth is the strongest ordnance you have in your body, your mind, your soul and your being. Yeeeeeeee!’

After his accident Busey underwent a two-hour emergency procedure under the supervision of a team of neurosurgeons from Los Angeles’ Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Gary had previously recalled his experience with angels during a 2005 interview with Larry King.

‘I was surrounded by angels,’ he told King of his near-death experience. ‘And they don’t look like what they look like on Christmas cards. They’re big balls of light that float and carry nothing but love and warmth.’