Pregnant woman gives partner second chance after he fractured her eye socket in savage attack

A former building site manager who left his pregnant girlfriend with a fractured eye socket following a savage beating has walked free from court after she offered to give their relationship another go.

Father-of-one Peter Dougal, 32, was arrested after he grabbed Joanne Hough and repeatedly punched her in the face after he became drunk and argumentative during a night out in Lees, Greater Manchester, last Christmas.

During the assault, Miss Hough who was 13 weeks pregnant with their child was pinned to the floor and beaten until she blacked out. 

Scans and an X-ray in hospital initially showed no major injury but she was later recalled when it emerged she had suffered a fractured eye socket. 

Peter Dougal, pictured right, was arrested after he grabbed Joanne Hough, pictured left, and repeatedly punched her in the face after he became drunk and argumentative

In an initial statement to police the victim, 34, from Lees, said: ‘I thought I was going to die – I didn’t think the punches would stop. Peter needs help. His alcohol intake and drugs has had an effect on him and I cannot trust him no more and I am living in fear of what he will do next.

‘I’m carrying his baby and there will always be a part of him in my life. I’ve offered him help but he’s hasn’t accepted any and he’s getting worse. I cannot explain how scary it is. It is dangerous him being around me and it could escalate further. I don’t want him in my life anymore.’

At Minshull Street Crown Court, Manchester, Dougal of Egerton Street, Oldham, wept as he admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

But he was given a 12 month jail sentence, suspended for two years, after Miss Hough told prosecutors she wanted to rekindle her relationship and for Dougal to play an active part in their child’s life.

The court heard the couple, who knew each since they were teenagers, began dating in 2017 but the relationship was stormy with police being called out on two occasions following arguments between them.

After rowing with a customer at a pub over whose turn it was to play pool on December 20, the couple returned home where they argued after Dougal started to roll a cannabis joint.

The victim screamed as he dragged her around the kitchen, before punching her in the face.

Miss Hough, pictured, initially said she didn't want Dougal in her life after the attack, before then deciding to give the relationship another go

Dougal, pictured, told officers 'I'm ashamed of myself' as he was being led away

Miss Hough, pictured left, initially said she didn’t want Dougal, pictured right, in her life after the attack, before then deciding to give the relationship another go

Even after Miss Hough struck him over the head with a coffee mug, the defendant continued to attack her while pinning her to the floor.

The victim blacked out and then barricaded herself in her bedroom when she regained consciousness.  

Dougal promised Miss Hough he would give up drinking but he was arrested on Boxing Day after his behaviour apparently failed to improve.

As he was being led away, he told officers: ‘I’m ashamed of myself’ but gave no comment in police interview.

Andrew Mackintosh, prosecuting, said: ‘She is now of a different opinion now to what she said in her statement and it is her hope that their relationship will continue so he can become part of that child’s life. She does not wish a restraining order to be imposed.’

In mitigation defence solicitor Kimberley Morton told the hearing her client suffered from depression and that he has sought help for his drinking and wants to be part of the life of his child, who is due next month. 

The court heard the couple, pictured together, who knew each since they were teenagers, began dating in 2017 but the relationship was stormy with police being called out on two occasions following arguments between them

The court heard the couple, pictured together, who knew each since they were teenagers, began dating in 2017 but the relationship was stormy with police being called out on two occasions following arguments between them

Dougal was also ordered to complete a ‘Building Better Relationships’ programme plus a six month alcohol rehabilitation programme. He was further ordered to be electronically tagged for two months and to abide by a 8pm-6am curfew.

Sentencing Judge Tina Landale told him: ‘You assaulted her when she was pregnant and despite her telling you to leave. Even after she attempted to defend herself you continued to punch her and she suffered a distressing looking injury to her face,

‘The attack occurred in her own home where she should feel safe and protected. You were drunk and she was in early pregnancy. I accept you are truly remorseful and this offence is very much out of character for you.’