Piers Morgan proudly brandishes ‘Britain’s biggest sausage roll’ as he winds up vegans yet again

Piers Morgan wound up the vegan community once again on Wednesday as he posed on Twitter brandishing a giant sausage roll.

Holding up the meaty snack, grinning widely, the 55-year-old foodie posted the image, adding the caption: ‘Now THIS is what I call a sausage roll!’

He went on: ‘Apparently it’s Britain’s biggest… 40cm long & 1.3kg in weight… and packed with real meat not that Greggs vegan nonsense!’

Size matters! Piers Morgan wound up the vegan community once again on Wednesday as he posed on Twitter brandishing a giant sausage roll

Piers was referencing the infamous moment he tried Greggs’ vegan sausage roll live on Good Morning Britain in January 2019, before spewing it into a bin and slamming the taste. 

He said he was appalled by the smell and taste of the new snack and ended up with his head in a waste basket after taking a single bite.

Greggs delivered a fresh batch to the studio for him to try but he was forced to spit it out, saying: ‘It absolutely stinks and tastes disgusting. Why would anyone eat this?’

But co-host Susanna Reid said the meat-free treat tasted ‘delicious’ and ate her’s with gusto.

Vegans targeted him on Twitter and accused him of faking his violent reaction to the ‘sausage roll’ calling it an anti-vegan conspiracy.

Get your chops round that! Holding up the meaty snack, grinning widely, the 55-year-old foodie posted the image, adding the caption - 'Now THIS is what I call a sausage roll!'

Get your chops round that! Holding up the meaty snack, grinning widely, the 55-year-old foodie posted the image, adding the caption – ‘Now THIS is what I call a sausage roll!’

Last year: Piers was referencing the infamous moment he tried Greggs' vegan sausage roll live on Good Morning Britain in January 2019, before spewing it into a bin and slamming the taste

Last year: Piers was referencing the infamous moment he tried Greggs’ vegan sausage roll live on Good Morning Britain in January 2019, before spewing it into a bin and slamming the taste 

Sicking it up: A single bite prompted a violent reaction and he ended up with his head in a bin spitting it out

Sicking it up: A single bite prompted a violent reaction and he ended up with his head in a bin spitting it out

Not a fan: The host said afterwards that trying the snack had made him want to vomit

Not a fan: The host said afterwards that trying the snack had made him want to vomit

Others said the incident made them ‘laugh out loud’ and ‘made their day’. 

Piers had torn off a piece of the vegan sausage roll and struggled to chew it. He then started gagging and saying, ‘Ugh, God, oh God,’ before throwing it back up into a bin and exclaiming: ‘Why would anyone eat this?’

He then said: ‘They’re tasteless, they don’t taste anywhere near as good as the real thing!’

Piers has called for Britain to follow France and ban vegetarian foods being labelled like a traditional animal product such as a sausage roll, chicken nuggets or bacon rashers.

He blasted Greggs’ decision to make a meat-free sausage roll and said: ‘Nobody was waiting for a vegan bloody sausage, you PC-ravaged clowns!’ 

Winding them up: Piers' early morning vegan sausage caused a storm on  social media

Winding them up: Piers’ early morning vegan sausage caused a storm on  social media

The launch comes after 20,000 people signed a petition by animal welfare organisation Peta last year calling on Greggs to produce a vegan version of its bestselling item.

Greggs chief executive, Roger Whiteside, said: ‘Like many food retailers we have seen increasing demand for vegetarian and vegan products.

‘We have been trying to develop a vegan version of our famous sausage roll for some time now. It has not been easy but our taste panel customers all love this one, so we have decided to launch it as our contribution to Veganuary.’

The new vegan sausage roll is on sale in 950 of Greggs’s 1,850 UK shops from last Thursday and costs £1, which is 5p more than the traditional meat version.

Long-awaited: The rise in veganism has been tapped into by Greggs who launched its very first vegan sausage roll

Long-awaited: The rise in veganism has been tapped into by Greggs who launched its very first vegan sausage roll

Wednesday’s tweet comes as Piers joked joked that his Good Morning Britain co-host Susanna Reid had ‘fat-shamed’ him after she teased him about his weight. 

He mentioned on Monday’s episode of the chat show that he had enjoyed his first McDonald’s meal in four months since the UK went into lockdown. 

He said: ‘Very quickly, I know you’ve been worried. Finally, the wait was over. Here we are, Wandsworth Bridge, McDonald’s drive-thru, at the weekend.

Playful: Piers joked that his Good Morning Britain co-host Susanna Reid, 49, had 'fat-shamed' him after she teased him about his weight

Playful: Piers joked that his Good Morning Britain co-host Susanna Reid, 49, had ‘fat-shamed’ him after she teased him about his weight

‘Boom, Big Mac, large fries, tasted delicious. First one in four months.’

Seemingly unimpressed, Susanna, 49, replied: ‘Thanks for putting us all out of our misery. Not so much as the wait was over as the weight was piled on apparently.’

Looking to the camera, Piers then shot back: ‘Thank you, again, for fat-shaming me’.

The jibe comes after Piers admitted he’s put on some weight during lockdown after indulging in takeaways and wine with his wife Celia Walden.

Indulgence: Piers mentioned on Monday's episode of the chat show that he had enjoyed his first McDonald's meal in four months since the UK went into lockdown

Indulgence: Piers mentioned on Monday’s episode of the chat show that he had enjoyed his first McDonald’s meal in four months since the UK went into lockdown

During an episode of Good Morning Britain earlier this month, the broadcaster said that his other half is a bad influence on him for encouraging him to have treats in the evenings.  

Speaking to Susanna, the Life Stories presenter admitted: ‘I have put on a bit of weight in lockdown’.

Susanna insisted its a common occurrence, replying: ‘They call it the Covid 10’.

Susanna replied: 'Thanks for putting us all out of our misery. Not so much as the wait was over as the weight was piled on apparently'

 Susanna replied: ‘Thanks for putting us all out of our misery. Not so much as the wait was over as the weight was piled on apparently’

Piers explained that he adheres to a healthy diet during the day but finds it harder to resist indulging in the evenings. 

He said: ‘I wait all afternoon, and I get to about 6 o’clock, and my wife goes “shall we have a Chinese, or get the wine out?”‘

Susanna noted that Celia has managed to keep trim during lockdown, saying: ‘Celia has this special ability not to pile on the pounds.’

Piers has shared a look at some of his lockdown meals on Instagram, recently uploading a snap of himself about to tuck into a curry meal.

Diet: Piers joked on a recent episode of Good Morning Britain that his wife Celia Walden is a bad influence on him for encouraging him to have treats in the evenings

Diet: Piers joked on a recent episode of Good Morning Britain that his wife Celia Walden is a bad influence on him for encouraging him to have treats in the evenings 

Alongside the snap, he wrote: ‘About to enjoy a fabulous #BigCurryNightIn courtesy @bombaybrasseriesw7.

‘Support your favourite restaurants and order a takeaway this weekend to help local communities and families whose businesses have been severely impacted by Covid-19’.

Piers also recently shared a snap of a tasty feast of cheese, crackers and wine he had put together for himself on a Sunday evening.

He said: ‘Just remembered I’m not working tomorrow. So moved urgently to Lockdown Sunday party mode: fine French cheese, fine French claret, a few fine crackers & possibly a fine cigar.’ 

Treat: Piers also recently shared a snap of a tasty feast of cheese, crackers and wine he had put together for himself on a Sunday evening

Treat: Piers also recently shared a snap of a tasty feast of cheese, crackers and wine he had put together for himself on a Sunday evening 

Comedian Jack Whitehall recently sent Piers a DIY burger kit with the host having two himself.

He wrote: ‘Haven’t had a burger in 3 months.. so doubled up when @jackwhitehall offered to send me a DIY Burger Kit. They were as good as he promised & all in a great cause.’

Piers recently confirmed that he’s signed a new contract that will see him remain on Good Morning Britain until 2021.

Piers said: 'I wait all afternoon, and I get to about 6 o'clock, and my wife goes "shall we have a Chinese, or get the wine out?"' (pictured with wife Celia Walden in 2018)

Piers said: ‘I wait all afternoon, and I get to about 6 o’clock, and my wife goes “shall we have a Chinese, or get the wine out?”‘ (pictured with wife Celia Walden in 2018)