Primula cheese recalled from supermarkets amid botulism fears

Primula cheese is recalled from supermarkets shelves amid fears it could cause Botulism food poisoning

  • One Primula cheese product recently tested positive for a dangerous bacteria
  • Clostridium botulinum can cause a type of food poisoning called Botulism
  • Botulism toxins attack the body’s nervous system and can cause paralysis
  • Those who have bought Primula products are advised not to eat them 

A brand of cheese is being recalled from British supermarket shelves as it may contain bacteria which can cause paralysis. 

Primula cheese, which costs around £1.50 for 150g tube in major supermarkets, is believed to be contaminated with clostridium botulinum, a type of bacteria which could cause a dangerous type of food poisoning called Botulism.

The toxins of the bacteria are understood to be extremely powerful as they attack the nervous system and could cause paralysis. 

Primula cheese (pictured) are removing all of its products from UK supermarket shelves after one of its products tested for clostridium botulinum, a type of bacteria which could cause paralysis. Anyone who has already bought a Primula product could get a refund

A spokesperson for Primula said: ‘As a precaution, we have stopped all product distribution.

‘We have also instructed retailers to remove Primula tubes from shelves with immediate effect. Customers are also advised not to eat any Primula Cheese tubes they have already purchased.

‘We would also like to apologise to those who won’t be able to get their hands on our cheese for a short period of time while we work hard to resolve the issue.’

Primula products can be found in 150g for £1.50 in stores such as Tesco, Asda or Sainsbury's

Primula products can be found in 150g for £1.50 in stores such as Tesco, Asda or Sainsbury’s

Primula was founded in 1924 and its cheeses can be found in many major UK supermarkets including Asda, Sainsbury’s and Tesco. 

Alarm bells were raised after one of Primula’s products came back positive for the dangerous bacteria during testing.

As a result, all of Primula’s cheese have been recalled by the manufacturer as a precaution. 

The product will only return until the issue is resolved. 

Early symptoms of Botulism include cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea and nausea, while paralysis can be spotted early after signs of slurred speech, difficulty swallowing and dropping eyelids. 

If you display any of these symptoms, you should call 999 or go straight to A&E. 

Anyone who has recently bought a Primula cheese is being advised not to eat the product. 

Instead, Primula can be contacted on 0800 716 551 or through the email address [email protected] where a refund will be made.