1,500 workers test positive for coronavirus at German meat factory

Germany has today ordered 360,000 people back into lockdown after a coronavirus outbreak at a meat factory caused a spike in the country’s R rate. 

More than 1,500 people have tested positive at the Toennies slaughterhouse in the last week and the whole district of Guetersloh is now heading back into lockdown.  

Bars, gyms, cinemas, swimming pools and sports halls in Guetersloh will have to shut their doors again while picnics and barbecues will be banned as Germany re-imposes lockdown measures for the first time. 

Armin Laschet, the state premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, announced that ‘we will return [the] entire district to the measures that applied several weeks ago’. 

Only two people can meet up from different households – the national limit is currently 10 – and Laschet urged people not to travel outside Guetersloh, although this will not be banned. 

The news is a blow to Germany’s hopes of a swift return to normality as it tries to reboot the EU’s largest economy and starts to revive its tourism sector.  

Health authorities had already quarantined all 6,500 workers at the Toennies plant and carried out tests on the entire workforce after the outbreak came to light.  

The plant’s billionaire owner Clemens Toennies, nicknamed the ‘Pig Baron’, has apologised for the outbreak – but the firm is facing anger over alleged ‘exploitation’ of the many Eastern European migrants who work there and live in crowded company-provided accommodation. 

German Red Cross workers in protective suits stand in front of a house yesterday where Toennies meat factory workers are being quarantined following an outbreak at the plant 

Health authorities have quarantined all 6,500 workers at the Toennies plant (pictured) and tested the entire workforce after the outbreak came to light last week

Health authorities have quarantined all 6,500 workers at the Toennies plant (pictured) and tested the entire workforce after the outbreak came to light last week

Germany's R rate has ballooned to 2.76 following a series of local outbreaks, far above the level of 1.00 which signals that the contagion has stopped accelerating

Germany’s R rate has ballooned to 2.76 following a series of local outbreaks, far above the level of 1.00 which signals that the contagion has stopped accelerating 

The plant's billionaire owner Clemens Toennies (pictured), nicknamed the 'Pig Baron', has apologised for the outbreak and admitted that the firm has struggled to trace contacts

The plant’s billionaire owner Clemens Toennies (pictured), nicknamed the ‘Pig Baron’, has apologised for the outbreak and admitted that the firm has struggled to trace contacts 

Billionaire ‘pig baron’ Clemens Toennies who feuded with family and caused racism row 

Clemens Toennies co-founded the meat firm with his brother Bernd in 1971 and his net worth is now estimated at $2.3billion. 

The firm employs more than 16,000 people in total, including many Eastern European migrants at the virus-hit plant where 20,000 pigs are slaughtered every day. 

Some of his workers have complained about low pay and poor working conditions since long before the coronavirus outbreak, leading to accusations of ‘modern slavery’. 

Toennies has also been chairman of German football club Schalke 04 since 2001. 

Last year he was forced to step down from Schalke for three months after saying that power stations should be built in Africa so that ‘the Africans would stop cutting down trees and produce babies when it is dark’. 

German football bosses ruled that his comments were racist but he was allowed to return to work in November.

Even before that, Toennies had long been an unpopular figure at the club after years of underachievement despite massive investment with the help of Russian energy giant Gazprom, which sponsors Schalke’s shirts.  

His Russian links caused a separate row in 2014 when he said the Schalke team would accept an invitation to Moscow from Vladimir Putin and ‘would like to see the Kremlin’. 

Toennies was slapped down by Angela Merkel’s government, which was at loggerheads with Russia over its actions in Ukraine at the time. 

‘Accepting an invitation to the Kremlin in the current situation and letting yourself be exploited like that doesn’t really show good intuition,’ the general secretary of Merkel’s party said.  

The 64-year-old businessman has also been involved in a lengthy legal battle with his nephew Robert, who also owns a stake in the firm after his co-founder father Bernd died in 1994. 

A settlement was reached in 2017 but the legal wrangling resumed last year when Robert claimed he had been misled about an investment in China.   

Speaking to a trade magazine last year, Robert Toennies said his uncle Clemens ‘could be sick with megalomania’. 

Toennies is also a donor to Merkel’s CDU party – prompting questions from the socialist Left Party about ‘what influence these annual presents to the CDU may have’. Party spokesman Bernd Riexinger was among those to refer to Toennies as the ‘pig baron’. 

Toennies himself likes to talk about his humble background and touts his humanitarian work for animals and impoverished children, German media says. 

The Toennies cluster is the largest of several new outbreaks which have sent Germany’s R rate rising to an alarming 2.76, although health chiefs say the number is more likely to lurch around when the overall figures are low. 

The outbreak in Germany’s most populous state is the biggest since the country began lifting the lockdown in early May.

Local authorities across Germany agreed then to pull an ’emergency brake’ and reimpose social curbs if the infection rate rises above 50 cases per 100,000 residents over a week in a particular district.

The rate in Geutersloh has soared well above that, sitting at 263 cases per 100,000 residents on Monday. As of Sunday, 21 people were being treated in hospital, six of them in intensive care. 

‘This is a limited measure of caution. We will lift the measure as soon as possible, when we have certainty about the safety of the infection,’ Laschet told a news conference today as he announced the return to lockdown. ‘It is a preventative measure.’  

Guetersloh residents will be offered free testing, Laschet said – with 24 infections identified so far that are not linked to the meat factory. 

The move comes as Germany and the rest of the EU begin taking steps towards getting tourism up and running again, with many European borders reopening just last week.

Several planeloads of German tourists have flown to Spain’s Mallorca island to take part in a test of plans to reopen the popular destination as the country emerges from its own lockdown.

But the latest flareup in Guetersloh prompted authorities in the German island of Usedom to turn away a couple who had travelled from the affected district.

Clemens Toennies, who has an estimated net worth of $2.3billion, said on Saturday that the new outbreak was an ‘existential crisis’ for the company. 

‘As a company we thought we had done everything right,’ he said, after operations were suspended because of the crisis. 

‘As an entrepreneur I can only apologise. We have caused this and are fully responsible for it,’ Toennies said. 

Toennies, who is also the chairman of football team Schalke 04, has previously attracted controversy by feuding with his nephew Robert and making comments about Africans ‘cutting down trees’ which football bosses ruled to be racist. 

Robert Toennies has called for his uncle Clemens to resign in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.  

The outbreak has also prompted protests in front of the meat-packing plant calling for the closure of slaughterhouses across Germany. 

Ansgar Puff, a bishop in nearby Cologne, condemned what he called ‘exploitation and slavery-like practices’ at meat-packing plants in Germany. 

‘Migrants from Eastern Europe are misused as cheap labour in the middle of Germany and housed in inhumane dwellings. The exploitative employment in the meat industry is a scandal,’ he said. 

‘Before the corona cases in the slaughterhouses, the topic was of little interest to the general public. It was just too easy for many to close their eyes.’ 

Local authorities are employing translators to help manage the quarantine and the embassies of Romania, Bulgaria and Poland have offered assistance. 

Germany’s labour minister Hubertus Heil has suggested that Toennies could have to pay damages for the outbreak. 

‘We should examine to what extent the company bears civil responsibility’ for the outbreak and resulting lockdown, he told German television. 

Anton Hofreiter, the parliamentary leader of the Green party, has said that Clemens Toennies should pay any such compensation out of his own pocket. 

China has already banned meat imports from Toennies, which is one of Germany’s largest meat producers.   

The last week has seen an increase in coronavirus cases in Germany caused by a handful of local clusters including the meat factory outbreak near Guetersloh

The last week has seen an increase in coronavirus cases in Germany caused by a handful of local clusters including the meat factory outbreak near Guetersloh 

The spike in new cases has not yet been reflected in the death toll, which rose by only 10 today - taking the total in Germany to 8,895

The spike in new cases has not yet been reflected in the death toll, which rose by only 10 today – taking the total in Germany to 8,895 

A German soldier walks beside a security guard at the meat-packing plant in western Germany where thousands of people have been tested

A German soldier walks beside a security guard at the meat-packing plant in western Germany where thousands of people have been tested 

The outbreak near Guetersloh was first reported on Wednesday, when 400 workers tested positive. 

By Friday, that number had doubled to 803 and it had climbed further to 1,029 by Saturday. Last night it increased to 1,553. 

The entire workforce has been quarantined whether they tested positive or not, while health authorities carry out further screening on their households. 

The German army has been deployed to help manage the quarantine while police distribute food to thousands of people in an accommodation block. 

Schools and kindergartens in the district of Guetersloh have also been shut since Thursday.  

The leader of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, has said he ‘cannot rule out a blanket lockdown’ in Germany’s most populous state.

Laschet has come under fire for suggesting that ‘Romanians and Bulgarians’ working at the plant were responsible for bringing the virus. 

He later backtracked and acknowledged that the migrants’ poor working and living conditions in Germany may have contributed to the spread of the virus.  

Eastern European workers at the Toennies plant are seen behind a barrier at their accommodation in western Germany yesterday

Eastern European workers at the Toennies plant are seen behind a barrier at their accommodation in western Germany yesterday 

A member of a mobile testing unit organised by the German army and German Red Cross tests a resident for coronavirus yesterday

A member of a mobile testing unit organised by the German army and German Red Cross tests a resident for coronavirus yesterday 

Animal rights activists protest in front of the Toennies meat-packing plant at the weekend amid anger over the conditions in which Eastern European migrants are living and working

Animal rights activists protest in front of the Toennies meat-packing plant at the weekend amid anger over the conditions in which Eastern European migrants are living and working 

A police officer helps to deliver food for quarantined employees of the meat processing company yesterday

A police officer helps to deliver food for quarantined employees of the meat processing company yesterday 

The Toennies outbreak is the largest of a handful of new clusters which have sent Germany’s R rate soaring to 2.76 in recent days.  

A figure above 1 means that the number of cases will grow over time, while a rate below 1 means that the outbreak is in decline.  

Angela Merkel has previously warned that Germany’s hospitals could be overwhelmed if the rate hovers even slightly above 1. 

The Robert Koch diseases institute (RKI) which calculates the rate says the rate is prone to jumping around when the overall number of cases is still low. 

The high rate ‘is linked to local clusters… with the outbreak in North Rhine-Westphalia playing a particularly large role,’ the RKI says.  

Germany’s total number of new cases rose to 3,553 last week compared to 2,290 the week before – ending 10 straight weeks of decline.  

Police officers guard the buildings where employees of the Toennies meat factory remain under lockdown yesterday

Police officers guard the buildings where employees of the Toennies meat factory remain under lockdown yesterday 

Testing officials wearing protective gear cross a street yesterday as they carry out screening on thousands of Toennies employees and their families

Testing officials wearing protective gear cross a street yesterday as they carry out screening on thousands of Toennies employees and their families 

North Rhine-Westphalia was responsible for more than half of the 537 new cases reported in Germany yesterday, according to official figures.    

Elsewhere in Germany, further outbreaks have been detected in the city of Magdeburg, in the state of Saxony-Anhalt and in the Berlin district of Neukölln.

In addition, hundreds tried to escape a tower block quarantine in Goettingen on Saturday after 700 people were placed in lockdown because of an outbreak.  

The weekly figure of 3,553 cases is still well below the number seen at the height of the crisis, when 39,167 new cases were added in the week beginning on March 30.   

In addition, the latest spike has not yet made any noticeable impression on Germany’s death figures, which remain relatively low. 

The RKI reported only 10 new deaths today and the total for the last week was only 96, compared to 119 the week before. 

Germany has recorded a total of 190,862 cases and 8,895 deaths since the pandemic began. 

The country has generally been praised for its handling of the pandemic, with the death rate much lower than in Britain, France, Italy or Spain.