Easyjet founder Stelios to grill airline’s bosses over Airbus order

Easyjet founder Stelios to grill the budget airline’s bosses next week in battle over £4.5bn Airbus order

Easyjet founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou is battling bosses over a £4.5bn order with Airbus for more than 100 planes

Easyjet’s founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou is preparing to grill the airline’s bosses next week as he steps up his battle with the company.

The entrepreneur has been at loggerheads with the board for months over a £4.5billion order with Airbus for more than 100 planes, which he believes the group should cancel.

He has gone to extraordinary lengths to scupper the deal, including offering a £5million bounty to anyone with information that would help him and unsuccessfully trying to unseat several board members.

Now Stelios has released a four-page list of questions he will demand bosses answer at the company’s annual meeting on Tuesday.

The budget airline has described the Stelios row as a ‘distraction’ at a time when it is grappling with the plunge in the number of flights running and is planning mass job cuts.

An Easyjet spokesman said it ‘firmly rejects any insinuation that [it] was involved in any impropriety’.