Attack of the clones: Fake investment sites posing as genuine firms

Starved savers who are desperately seeking a decent return are being targeted by fraudsters posing as genuine investment firms.

Reports of investment scams soared by 45 per cent over lockdown, with 1,600 cases recorded in June, reports Action Fraud.

Experts warn that an increasingly common – and convincing – tactic is for crooks to mimic legitimate companies.

Reports of investment scams soared by 45 per cent over lockdown, with 1,600 cases recorded in June, reports Action Fraud

The copycat con artists lure in savers by advertising top-paying deals on Google and social media sites under the real firm’s name.

When investors click on the link provided, they are directed to a fake website that looks identical to the real one.

The cloned site will use the same logo, pictures and wording. It will even duplicate the company registration number and address, so that it appears legitimate if investors cross-check the details with Companies House and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The crooks often use names and job titles belonging to genuine employees to reassure investors who may check to see if they really exist.

The bonds offered typically pay slightly higher returns than genuine ones on offer, usually between 3 per cent and 5 per cent, to entice savers desperate to earn a better return.

Tricked out of £85,250: 86-year-old widower Tom Hill

Tricked out of £85,250: 86-year-old widower Tom Hill

Often, it is not until the promised monthly or quarterly interest payments fail to arrive that investors even realise they are the victim of fraud.

Since the end of last year, around 300 scams involving copycat firms have been reported to the Investment Association – with the majority of incidents occurring during lockdown. 

Victims lost around £4 million. The FCA has put out 249 warnings about copycat firms this year alone.

Widower Tom Hill lost £85,250 to fraudsters posing as brokers for Swiss bank Julius Baer.

Tom, 86, had stumbled across the firm at the start of April when searching on Google for a risk-free investment bond that paid a regular income.

Before investing, the father-of-two checked the details on the website matched those on Companies House and the FCA register.

He says the two men he spoke to claimed to be a senior broker and the head of compliance and were well-spoken.

Tom, who lives near Trowbridge, Wiltshire, says: ‘They were able to answer any questions I had. And every time I called they answered the phone as if they were from Julius Baer. It seemed legitimate.’

Tom had asked for a low-risk investment and was recommended a one-year Barclays bond paying 4.734 per cent. The former teacher knew this was a good rate but that it didn’t sound too good to be true.

Tom transferred £85,000 on April 9, plus £250 to cover a supposed broker fee.

When Santander called him to query the transaction, Tom said that, to the best of his knowledge, the investment was legitimate.

The payment was cleared two hours later. But, later that week, Santander called to tell him the investment was a scam after receiving information from HSBC, the recipient bank.

On May 19, he received a letter from the bank saying it would investigate the fraud. But, as of this month, Tom had still not been told if he’d get his savings back.

Probe: Asked about Tom's case, a Santander spokesman says it is investigating and waiting on information from HSBC

Probe: Asked about Tom’s case, a Santander spokesman says it is investigating and waiting on information from HSBC

He says: ‘After I found out about the scam I felt physically sick for some time. I did all I could to check the firm was genuine.

‘Days later, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and it felt like everything was happening at once. I was banking on the income to pay for my transport to and from the hospital in Bath.’

Julius Baer says it is aware of the issue and has warned about cloned firms on its website.

A Santander spokesman says it is investigating and waiting on information from HSBC.

Another fraud victim, Mat Booth, 48, was tricked into transferring £200,000 to fraudsters posing as the SG Group. 

The father-of-two, from Buckinghamshire, was cold-called at the start of last year by a supposed broker offering investments that could deliver profits of up to 10 per cent. 

Bank fraud failings 

Banks have been accused of ignoring a new code of conduct introduced last year to protect scam victims who have taken a ‘reasonable’ level of care. 

They are also supposed to provide ‘effective’ warnings to alert customers.

Following a report in April that revealed some banks are still unfairly blaming victims to avoid paying refunds, the Lending Standards Board, which oversees the code, launched a formal review of it last week. 

The code is voluntary but most major banks have signed up.

He mentioned the company’s name to a friend who works for an investment bank, who confirmed it was legitimate.

He also checked the registration and address details matched those on Companies House.

Satisfied the company was legitimate and its market performance was good, he transferred £100,000 to a Santander bank account and £100,000 to a Barclays account, both in the SG Group’s name.

The supposed investments included Deliveroo, an Amazon merger, plus all sorts of seasonal investments he really liked.

Santander flagged the first £100,000 as suspicious and returned it to his bank account. When he called who he thought was SG Group to report his concerns, the scammers said there had been a technical glitch and then blocked his calls. Mat reported it to his bank Lloyds, but it said it was unable to claw back the second £100,000 payment from Barclays and refused to refund him.

Mat, who runs a car business, says: ‘I didn’t sleep for the last few weeks of December and most of January. I was in a dark place and felt as if I had fallen off a cliff.

‘I have run a firm for 28 years and never been caught up in anything like this and there I was having to explain I had lost half my wealth to my wife and children.’

Richard Emery, fraud consultant at 4Keys International, says: ‘I do not see any basis for Lloyds refusing to refund this customer. What else could he have done to check the firm was legitimate? Lloyds needs to take responsibility.’

A Lloyds spokesman says: ‘Our decision not to refund was not connected to Mr Booth ignoring any warnings before transferring large sums of money through his business account where there were frequent high value payments made to car auctions.

‘While he did take steps to ensure a company in that name existed, he didn’t validate that the people who approached him about the investment opportunity were from the genuine firm, which would have highlighted the scam before he lost any money.’

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