Thieving seagull swoops down and snatches woman’s purse in Brighton

Moment a thieving seagull swoops down and snatches woman’s purse as she sits outside with a friend in Brighton

  • A seagull stole a woman’s purse while she was out sightseeing with a friend
  • Footage shows the seagull being chased by the woman while her friend screams
  • It manages to escape but the woman eventually retrieved her purse afterwards 

Seagulls are notorious for swooping down and stealing seaside tourist’s food, but one bird went a stage further and carried off a woman’s purse. 

The women were enjoying a sightseeing trip in Brighton, east Sussex, before the gull carried out the theft from right under their noses. 

Luckily, the  owner managed to retrieve the stolen purse later on but only after chasing the seagull down a flight of stairs.

A seagull swoops down on two women and steals one of their purses while they are sightseeing in Brighton 

The gull flies away with the purse as the women scream, leaving behind one of the women's phone and ice cream

The gull flies away with the purse as the women scream, leaving behind one of the women’s phone and ice cream

In the video, the seagull grabs the purse laying beside them on a concrete ledge with its beak as the women scream in horror.

It quickly flies away from where they are sitting, leaving behind one of the women’s phone and ice cream.

The seagull circles back round as the woman chases it towards a block of flats nearby.

It turns away, swooping down a flight of stairs, forcing the woman to chase after it while her friend continues to film laughing in the background. 

The seagull quickly flies away from the ledges where the women are sat before coming back round

The seagull quickly flies away from the ledges where the women are sat before coming back round

The woman chases after the seagull towards a block of flats by where they are sat before it circles back round and swoops down a flight of stairs into the distance

The woman chases after the seagull towards a block of flats by where they are sat before it circles back round and swoops down a flight of stairs into the distance

The woman did manage to get her purse back after the video was taken on July 15. 

Her friend said: ‘A chilled out afternoon with my best friend turned into a seagull chase for her stolen purse. 

‘Revenge after not giving the gull any mini cheddars, karma you may say? She did luckily get her purse back though.’

Seagulls are notorious in Brighton for causing chaos in the summer, often stealing food and dive-bombing people on the seafront.