Support for Scottish independence hits record high of 55% – the exact REVERSE of the 2014 referendum

Support for an independent Scotland has soared to a record high this week – as Boris Johnson holidays in the country.  

Backing for a breakaway has hit 55-45 in favour, the mirror opposite of the 2014 referendum result, a survey by Panelbase found.

The research, carried out this week, comes as Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon continues to take advantage of Boris Johnson’s flailing handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Pro-independence organisation Business for Scotland commissioned the poll, with chief executive Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp hailing the results as a ‘huge landmark’ showing the ‘writing is very definitely on the wall for the union’.

Overall, 51 per cent of those questioned said they support independence, 42 per cent said they would vote to stay in the UK and 7 per cent of voters were undecided.

When undecided voters were excluded, 55 per cent favoured Scotland leaving the UK, with 45 per cent preferring to stay in the union.

Mr MacIntyre-Kemp said: ‘The reversal of the 2014 result is a huge landmark – 55 per cent Yes will send shockwaves throughout the political world.

Overall, 51 per cent of those questioned said they support independence, 42 per cent said they would vote to stay in the UK and 7 per cent of voters were undecided. When undecided voters were excluded, 55 per cent favoured Scotland leaving the UK, with 45 per cent preferring to stay in the union

Overall, 51 per cent of those questioned said they support independence, 42 per cent said they would vote to stay in the UK and 7 per cent of voters were undecided. When undecided voters were excluded, 55 per cent favoured Scotland leaving the UK, with 45 per cent preferring to stay in the union

Supporters of Scottish independence gather at the site of the battle of Bannockburn, near Stirling, for an 'All Under One Banner' event this afternoon

Supporters of Scottish independence gather at the site of the battle of Bannockburn, near Stirling, for an ‘All Under One Banner’ event this afternoon 

The research, carried out this week, comes as Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon continues to take advantage of Boris Johnson's flailing handling of the coronavirus pandemic

The research, carried out this week, comes as Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon continues to take advantage of Boris Johnson’s flailing handling of the coronavirus pandemic

More than half of Scots NHS staff feel undervalued

The Unite trade union has said NHS workers are at breaking point after a survey of members found widespread concerns about staff shortages and working overtime.

A total of 2,198 Unite Scotland members completed the survey, with 51 per cent saying they do not feel valued as an NHS worker.

Some 83 per said they experienced staff shortages ‘frequently or sometimes’ and 79 per cent said they worked beyond their contracted hours.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has insisted healthcare workers’ efforts during the pandemic have been deeply appreciated.

James O’Connell, Unite regional officer, said: ‘The mass survey findings of 2,200 NHS Scotland workers should be a wake-up call for all involved in the management of the nation’s health service.

‘Around four out of every five NHS workers are working beyond their contracted hours and experiencing acute staff shortages.

‘The scale of the problem is unsustainable and the workforce is at breaking point.’

He called on the Scottish Government to urgently reopen pay negotiations for NHS staff.

Asked about the survey at the Scottish Government’s coronavirus briefing on Wednesday, the First Minister said: ‘I will never be able to find the words to properly convey my appreciation and admiration for the people who’ve worked in our health and care services over the past five months.’

Referring to the pay deal, she added: ‘We are in the final stages of a three-year deal for Agenda for Change and the Health Secretary will be taking forward negotiations for the next period of that.’

‘There is no conclusion to draw from this new set of data other than the writing is very definitely on the wall for the union.’

He added: ‘The referendum that will be demanded following May 2021 Holyrood elections, on these figures, would start with Yes to independence commanding a 10 per cent lead.

‘Independence is now significantly the majority decision of the people of Scotland and its momentum looks solid.’ 

SNP depute leader Keith Brown said support for independence is ‘soaring’.

With the Prime Minister repeatedly ruling out having a second independence ballot, Mr Brown said: ‘Boris Johnson’s attempts to deny the right of the people to decide their own future is now utterly unsustainable.

‘When we look at Boris Johnson’s handling of coronavirus, and his Tory Government’s contempt for all things Scotland, it is no wonder that the majority of voters in Scotland want to make their own decisions on the future of our country.’

He added: ‘With consecutive polls putting support for independence above 50 per cent, it’s clear this is not a trend but the established position of the Scottish electorate.’

Ms Sturgeon has confirmed a pledge to hold a second independence vote will be in her party’s manifesto for next May’s Holyrood elections, which her party is widely expected to win comfortably.

Patrick Harvie, co-leader of the pro-independence Scottish Green Party, also welcomed the survey.

He said: ‘I’m delighted to see yet another poll show that ever more people in Scotland believe that it is time to choose independence.

‘It’s no surprise that momentum towards independence continues to build in the face of utter contempt shown to Scotland by the Westminster Government.

‘Boris Johnson’s disastrous handling of the pandemic and his sleekit attempts to undermine the democratic mandate of the Scottish Parliament have not gone unnoticed.

‘The people of Scotland deserve so much better and by taking our future into our own hands we can build that better Scotland.’

:: Panelbase questioned a total of 1,011 people across Scotland between August 12 and 18 for the research. 

Nicola Sturgeon’s pandemic: From gazumping ministers to announce lockdown measures first and threatening to quarantine English visitors to Scotland to using Westminster cash to boost her popularity and independence fight

Nicola Sturgeon has spent much of the pandemic elbowing in at the top table of UK politics.

As many as half a million people faced a rush back across the Channel at the weekend to avoid being quarantined for two weeks, after she demanded that France be added to the UK’s quarantine list tomorrow at 4am on Saturday instead of Sunday. 

Because of the Scot’s insistence travellers got 24 fewer hours to get home.

The SNP leader has consistently out-maneuvered Boris Johnson’s Government during the coronavirus pandemic.

She is currently riding high in the opinion polls off the back of daily publicity during the crisis – and a healthy dose of Westminster cash.

She had a net rating of plus 50 in the latest YouGov study, up from plus 5 a year ago. By contrast Boris Johnson’s rating is minus 50, having slumped by 16 points over the past 12 months.

The polls also show majority support for independence six years after the referendum which was won by No by 55-45.

Weeks after the UK Government dropped its daily news briefings on coronavirus, Ms Sturgeon is still benefiting from daily exposure on television. 

The SNP leader has consistently out-maneuvered Boris Johnson's Government during the coronavirus pandemic but finds herself in hot water. The two leaders are pictured meeting in Edinburgh in July 2019

The SNP leader has consistently out-maneuvered Boris Johnson’s Government during the coronavirus pandemic but finds herself in hot water. The two leaders are pictured meeting in Edinburgh in July 2019

Weeks after the UK Government dropped its daily news briefings on coronavirus, Ms Sturgeon is still benefiting from daily exposure on television

Weeks after the UK Government dropped its daily news briefings on coronavirus, Ms Sturgeon is still benefiting from daily exposure on television

She previously used the lunchtime appearance to regularly gazump Mr Johnson and his ministers when they lined up announcements on UK-wide decisions in the evening. 

Among them have been announcements on extending lockdown, and later on measures to allow several members of households to meet indoors as lockdown was eased. 

As far back as April she used an appearance to declare that the lockdown would stay in place for ‘at least’ another three weeks –  hours before a crunch meeting of Cobra, where the official decision was to be taken.

Scotland – along with Wales – have also in recent weeks announced quarantine implementations against other nations before they can be announced by Westminster –  despite all four nations’ chief medical officers meeting together to decide plans of action. 

Polls suggest she is credited with many positive actions that were actually planned and funded in Westminster.

YouGov research last week found the SNP leader and her ministers are widely praised for support packages for jobs and businesses – even though they have largely been provided by the Treasury.

In the poll for The Times, 49 per cent of Scots said the government north of the border had performed well in protecting jobs, with 29 per cent saying it had done badly. 

Half were positive about work done by the executive to protect the economy compared with 31 per cent who had a negative view. 

However, while Ms Sturgeon’s administration does have powers to vary business rates and income tax, key decisions on VAT, National Insurance and tax allowances are still reserved for Westminster.

The massive furlough scheme – which has subsidised the wages of 155,000 Scots – was designed and implemented by Chancellor Rishi Sunak and the Treasury.

Her administration has been accused of hypocrisy after refusing to sack education minister John Swinney (foreground) while calling for the head of Gavin Williamson.

Her administration has been accused of hypocrisy after refusing to sack education minister John Swinney (foreground) while calling for the head of Gavin Williamson.

Dr Catherine Calderwood twice drove to a second home in defiance of the crucial guidelines. Ms Sturgeon said she was 'trying to make the best judgements' after initially trying to keep Dr Calderwood in post, before finally conceding she had to go.

Dr Catherine Calderwood twice drove to a second home in defiance of the crucial guidelines. Ms Sturgeon said she was ‘trying to make the best judgements’ after initially trying to keep Dr Calderwood in post, before finally conceding she had to go.

The findings emerged after YouGov found this week that backing for independence is growing in Scotland.

Excluding ‘don’t knows’, 53 per cent north of the border supported splitting from the UK, compared to 47 per cent who wanted to keep the union. 

That was a two point rise from January, and the highest level the firm has ever recorded.

But her SNP administration has come in for some serious criticism.

This week she faced widespread fury over the nation’s exam fiasco – although it was later overshadowed by a similar meltdown in England. 

Her administration has been accused of hypocrisy after refusing to sack education minister John Swinney while calling for the head of Gavin Williamson. 

In April she was embarrassed when Scotland’s chief medical officer quit after flouting her own lockdown rules.

Dr Catherine Calderwood twice drove to a second home in defiance of the crucial guidelines. Ms Sturgeon said she was ‘trying to make the best judgements’ after initially trying to keep Dr Calderwood in post, before finally conceding she had to go. 

In May Ms Sturgeon furiously denied claims of a cover-up after an investigation linked a cluster of coronavirus cases to a Nike conference in February.

A BBC Scotland Disclosure investigation revealed more than 70 Nike employees from around the world attended a conference at the Hilton Carlton Hotel in Edinburgh on February 26 and 27.

It is understood one visiting attendee passed on the virus, with investigations finding at least 25 people linked to the event contracted Covid-19, including eight in Scotland.

But the case was not revealed and Scotland’s first official case was announced on March 1, unrelated to the conference.

The First Minister blamed concerns over patient confidentiality for preventing details of the event being made public earlier.

And in June she was savaged over a crisis in care homes after official figures showed more people had died in the facilities than in hospital.

Nearly 1,000 elderly patients were discharged from hospital to care homes early in the outbreak without being tested.

National Records of Scotland (NRS) statistics revealed Covid-19 was mentioned on the death certificates of 1,818 care home victim, higher than the 1,815 in hospitals.