Tricky brainteaser challenges players to spot the number one that’s facing the wrong way

A tricky number-based brainteaser has left players scratching their heads with even the most eagle-eyed puzzlers stumped.

The vexing new challenge has been created by UK-based marketing company Reflect Digital to mark the start of National Coding Week, an annual event that aims to encourage more people to learn to code. 

With only one back-to-front number to find, puzzlers will have to look extra closely at the challenging puzzle to spot the odd number out. 

So, do you think you can beat the current record and find them all in less than 30 seconds? 

 Scroll down for the solution

A new brainteaser by Reflect Digital challenges players to spot backwards number one, and there’s a 30 second record to beat 

Becky Simms, CEO at Reflect Digital, said: ‘We’ve created this brain teaser to mark National Coding Week to drum up passion for this much-needed skill and hope to inspire people of all ages to get involved.

‘With the average time set at 30 seconds to complete the game we’re looking forward to seeing the record being beaten.’

If you’re struggling, look for one of the darker purple numbers, on the left hand side of the page.  

If you still haven’t spotted the pesky number, scroll down to find the answer.  

If you're struggling, look for one of the darker purple numbers, on the left hand side of the page

If you’re struggling, look for one of the darker purple numbers, on the left hand side of the page

If you weren’t stumped by the last puzzle, another vibrant spot-the-difference puzzle has left players scratching their heads. 

Hungarian children’s illustrator and viral brainteaser sensation Gergely Dudás, better known as Dudolf, challenged players to find the ten aspects separating these two almost identical leafy scenes. 

To make things as difficult as possible, Dudolf has filled the vibrant images with plenty of playful characters, brightly coloured accessories and extra details to try and confuse the eye.

Hungarian children’s illustrator and viral brainteaser sensation Gergely Dudás, better known as Dudolf, challenged players to find the ten aspects separating these two almost identical leafy scenes (above)

To have any hope of getting all ten, you will have to pay close attention to even the smallest of objects. 

The puzzle, shared on Dudolf’s Facebook and website, proved popular with his followers, who said it was ‘very tricky’ but ‘awesome’. 

One fan wrote: ‘I found eight and than after a while I clicked the link and I saw the last two. Very tricky.’ 

If you’re struggling to find them then here’s a clue: the differences can be as small as a change in colour or a detail on an animal’s fur.

Still having a hard time? You’ll find the solutions below. 

You’ll find the answers above. The puzzle, shared on Dudolf’s Facebook and website , proved popular with his followers, who said it was ‘very tricky’ but ‘awesome’

Meanwhile, as we’re dreaming of lazing away the days on a beach, a tricky new brainteaser challenges the nation to find the bucket and spade amongst the beach huts.

The colourful graphic, created by Lyme Bay Holidays, shows a series of blue, yellow and red houses which features the likes of hearts, anchors and nautical stripes – and it may just be the trickiest yet. 

The puzzle creators claim this can’t be done in less than 30 seconds, and most can’t find it within 1 minute – so, how long will it take you?  

A new brainteaser (pictured), created by Lyme Bay Holidays, challenges the nation to find the bucket and spade amongst the beach huts

A new brainteaser (pictured), created by Lyme Bay Holidays, challenges the nation to find the bucket and spade amongst the beach huts 

A spokesperson for the company commented: ‘We’re excited to welcome people back to Dorset and Devon and want to bring a bit of the beach to everyone with this fun puzzle!’

If you’re struggling to find the answer, then here’s a clue – feast your eyes towards the right-hand side of the busy image.

Give up? Scroll down to find the well-hidden beach favourite circled in green. 

But don’t fret if you didn’t manage to complete the tricky challenge this time round – as it’s just the latest in a long line of brainteasers sweeping the web.

If you're struggling to find the answer, then feast your eyes towards the top right-hand side of the busy image

If you’re struggling to find the answer, then feast your eyes towards the top right-hand side of the busy image

This BBQ-themed brainteaser is sure to put your puzzle skills to the test. 

The busy graphic, created by US-based food company Seriously Smoked, challenges puzzlers to spot the BBQ in the ocean of burgers, hot dogs, steaks and ribs.

Creators have revealed that it takes an average of 30 seconds to spot the hidden object – so, can you find it any quicker?     

Scroll down for reveal

A new brainteaser (pictured), created by SeriouslySmoked, challenges puzzlers to find the BBQ in the ocean of burgers, hot dogs, steaks and ribs

A new brainteaser (pictured), created by SeriouslySmoked, challenges puzzlers to find the BBQ in the ocean of burgers, hot dogs, steaks and ribs

The puzzle features hundreds of different meats squeezed into a small graphic – making the sought-after object trickier to find than you may think.

If you’re struggling to locate it, then here’s a clue. Try looking towards the right-hand side of the brainteaser.  

If you’re still no better off, then look no further! Feast your eyes towards the middle, right-hand side of the puzzle where you’ll find the BBQ patiently waiting to be found,  

If you're struggling to find the answer, the BBQ can be seen towards the right-hand side of the image, with a black square around it

If you’re struggling to find the answer, the BBQ can be seen towards the right-hand side of the image, with a black square around it

Another tricky brainteaser challenges you to find the only teddy bear missing a bow tie – and it may be harder than you think.

The puzzle, created by private UK fostering agency Perpetual Fostering, features a large selection of adorable cuddly toys donning blue and green bow ties – but can you find the one who forgot to add the accessory?

According to the creator, the quickest time to find the hidden toy is 16 seconds, with the average being around 30 – so, how long will it take you? 

A new brainteaser (pictured), created by Perpetual Fostering, challenges puzzlers to spot the only teddy bear missing a bow tie

A new brainteaser (pictured), created by Perpetual Fostering, challenges puzzlers to spot the only teddy bear missing a bow tie

Lisa Witter, manager at Perpetual Fostering commented: ‘We love puzzles like this! They’re such a great way to challenge your brain.. And your patience!  

‘It’s a tricky one, but if you keep looking you’ll find it. Good luck!’

If you’re struggling to find the answer, then try feasting your eyes towards to bottom right-hand side of the busy graphic.

Still none the wiser? Take a look below to find the answer highlighted in red,  

If you're struggling to find the answer, feast your eyes towards the bottom right-hand side of the busy graphic, where you'll find the sought-after bear highlighted in red

If you’re struggling to find the answer, feast your eyes towards the bottom right-hand side of the busy graphic, where you’ll find the sought-after bear highlighted in red 

Another puzzle, created by UK-based company Swift Direct Blinds, challenges the nation to find the bumblebee buzzing among the flowers.

The colourful graphic shows blooms of all colours and shapes, with just a single insect hidden somewhere in the scene.

Creators have revealed that the current record stands at an impressive 63 seconds – so, how long will it take you?

Scroll down for reveal 

A new brainteaser (pictured), created by UK-based Swift Direct Blinds, is challenging puzzlers to find the hidden bee amongst the flowers

A new brainteaser (pictured), created by UK-based Swift Direct Blinds, is challenging puzzlers to find the hidden bee amongst the flowers

The colourful graphic is probably the closest hayfever sufferers will get to a bunch of flowers, but can you prove yourself to be king or queen bee and find the disguised insect in the quickest time?

If this is the most complicated display of flowers you’ve ever seen, here’s a handy clue. The buzzing bee is sat at the edge of a yellow petal.

Still looking? Before you get to the top left corner – you’ll pass this busy bee along the way. 

If you're struggling to find the answer, then feast your eyes towards the top left-hand side of the graphic, where you'll find the answer circled in green (pictured)

If you’re struggling to find the answer, then feast your eyes towards the top left-hand side of the graphic, where you’ll find the answer circled in green (pictured)