COCKROACH is removed from man’s ear after he suffers 12 hours of ‘scratching and biting’ inside head

Skin-crawling moment a COCKROACH is removed from a man’s ear after he suffers 12 hours of ‘scratching and biting’ inside his head

  • Leo Orendain, 39, had ear pain in Santo Tomas, Batangas province, Philippines
  • He thought large ant had crawled in and cousin helped remove it using tweezers
  • A Harlequin cockroach, more than one inch long and already dead, was removed

This is the skin-crawling moment a cockroach was removed from a man’s ear after it had been scratching inside his ear for 12 hours.  

Leo Orendain, 39, had just returned home from work and immediately went to bed before he woke in pain in Santo Tomas, Batangas province, Philippines.

Footage shows Leo’s cousin, Erwin Centeno, using a torch and tweezers to pull the insect out of his ear.

A cockroach was removed from a man’s ear after it had been ‘scratching and biting’ inside his head for 12 hours

Leo Orendain, 39, had a Harlequin cockroach removed from his ear after it crawled in while he was sleeping

They managed to remove a leg first before pulling the insect out

Leo Orendain, 39, had a Harlequin cockroach removed from his ear after it crawled in while he was sleeping. They managed to remove a leg first before pulling the insect out 

During his attempt to pull the cockroach out, he manages to remove a leg, before going back for the rest.  

Finally he pulls out the rest of the critter, a Harlequin cockroach that was more than one inch long and already dead, from the ear canal.  

Leo had felt something scratching in his ear, and began screaming that it was ‘a huge ant’, and his wife called their cousin for help.   

Using a torch and tweezers, Erwin began to explore the man’s ear looking for the creature but they were surprised when a cockroach leg dangled out.

He said: ‘The cockroach was moving its feet, I thought we were only removing an ant. I could not believe that it would fit there.’

The family poured baby oil on the ear canal hoping that the creature would come out, but it only burrowed deeper. 

The insect, that was already dead, was removed from Leo's ear

It was more than one inch long and had been in there for hours

The insect, that was more than one inch long and already dead, was finally removed from Leo’s ear after it had been there for hours 

After two hours of poking, Leo decided to sleep with the cockroach left inside his ear.

He refused to visit a hospital due to his fears of catching Covid-19, and there was no public transportation available at nighttime.

The next day, Leo even went to work with the insect inside his ear, but come evening, he felt painful scratching.

He said: ‘I could feel the pain from my ear up to my brain. I felt like it was biting me inside.’

The cockroach, after being stuck in the narrow hole for more than 12 hours, squirmed inside trying to find a way out.

Erwin tried removing the creature again, after it had partially emerged out of the ear canal, during the video taken on September 12.

Initially, they were able to remove one leg using the tweezers until they were able to remove its entire body. 

Leo’s ear had blood marks and small wounds when the insect was removed so he had his ear checked for injuries but doctors said he was fine.

Doctor Dorris Velasco said: ‘He was lucky. His eardrum looked normal and we did not find any abrasions. It was intact and no damage was left by the insect.’

Leo went home after the check-up and said that he will always clean the house to rid of the pests.