England records 401 hospital deaths from coronavirus on Christmas Day

England records 401 hospital deaths from coronavirus on Christmas Day compared to 317 a week ago

  • Figures show 401 people  died from Covid-19  in hospitals in England, NHS say
  • Total number of deaths from coronavirus reported in hospitals is now at 48,150
  • Separate figures for Covid-19 daily dashboard set to be released later on today
  • Figures will not include those from Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales today 

England has recorded a further 401 hospital deaths from coronavirus on Christmas Day.

The grim figure, which is for Covid-related hospital deaths recorded in the last 24 hours, compares to 317 a week ago.

The 401 deaths recorded by NHS England were for patients who tested positive for the virus.

There were another 33 where it was mentioned on the person’s death certificate. 

None of the deaths were under 40 years old and all but 14 had underlying health conditions, according to the latest data.

It means the total number of confirmed deaths reported in hospitals now stands at 48,150 people. 

Another 401 people have died from coronavirus in hospitals in England, according to the latest data. Pictured, Matt Hancock revealing further restrictions on December 23

The number of people with coronavirus in England last week spiked to pre-second lockdown levels with almost 646,000 people carrying the illness

The number of people with coronavirus in England last week spiked to pre-second lockdown levels with almost 646,000 people carrying the illness

Separate death and infection released as part of the daily Covid-19 dashboard will only be released for England today.

Northern Ireland did not update its death figures yesterday. They will not be resumed until December 28. There will be no data for Wales on December 25 or January 1.

Similarly in Scotland, death figures will not be updated today through to December 28. There will also be no figures between January 1 and January 4.

It comes as more than 1,000 new cases of coronavirus were recorded in Scotland as measures have been eased for Christmas.

A total of 1,165 new cases were reported by the Scottish Government in the past 24 hours, new figures have shown.

The number is 4.3 per cent of all tests undertaken during that period, down from 5.3% the day before.

In total, 118,035 cases have been reported in Scotland since the beginning of the pandemic. 

The latest figure comes as a new strain of coronavirus grips south-east England. The strain is thought to be better at spreading, but is not yet thought to be more deadly.

One in every 85 people in England are now infected with coronavirus, half of them have caught the new super-infectious strain and cases in London have trebled in two weeks. 

But Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows the epidemic is being driven by southern regions, where the variant has become the dominant strain, with cases still falling of flattening in the North and Midlands, where it is yet to become widespread. 

Officials fear, however, it is only a matter of time before the mutant variant – which is up to 56 per cent more infectious than regular Covid and was first detected in Kent in September – becomes prevalent everywhere.

About two-thirds of people testing positive in London, the East and the South East, are thought to have the new variant, the ONS said. Nationally, the strain is thought to make up 50 per cent of infections.