UK could miss out on 3.5m doses between now and February and rely totally on AstraZeneca’s plan

What would happen if the EU forced Pfizer to stop delivering Covid vaccines? UK could miss out on 3.5m doses between now and February and rely totally on AstraZeneca’s plan to hit 2m per week by Monday

  • Eurocrats proposed plans to stop vaccine exports could cut Britain’s supplies 
  • Pfizer – which manufactures doses in Belgium – would be unable to make orders
  • There are fears this may leave Government unable to meet mid-February target
  • But it is not clear how many doses are already sitting in warehouses in the UK 

The UK could miss out on millions of doses of the coronavirus vaccine if the European Union suspends deliveries to countries outside the bloc.

Britain is expecting to receive another 9million doses by mid-February from Oxford/AstraZeneca and Pfizer/BioNTech.

But if Eurocrats blockade jab exports across the channel, American drugs company Pfizer – which manufactures vaccines in Puurs, Belgium – will be unable to ship supplies.

As many as 3.5million doses of their jab are expected to arrive over the next three weeks, reports the Telegraph, a shipment that wouldn’t land on British soil if Brussels chose to redirect supplies.

The move would not, however, cut supplies of the AstraZeneca vaccine because the ‘vast, vast majority’ of their jabs are made in the UK.

There are fears that any cut in deliveries could leave the Government unable to meet its target of vaccinating 15million of the most vulnerable by mid-February.

But it is not clear how many doses are already sitting in warehouses in the UK, which ministers say they won’t reveal because of ‘security concerns’.

The Health Secretary Matt Hancock said at a conference last night that supply remained the ‘limiting factor’ in Britain’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout.

And the vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi said he was confident the EU would not block supplies of the Pfizer vaccine from being exported. 

The UK has already vaccinated more than six million of the most vulnerable against the virus, as it steams towards its mid-February target.  

Asked whether deliveries of the Pfizer jab could be delayed, Mr Zahawi said he was ‘confident’ they would be delivered on time. 

‘Pfizer have made sure that they have always delivered for us, they will continue to do so,’ he told Sky News.

‘They have made a very important announcement on the equitable supply of the whole world, including the European Union, and I’m sure they will deliver for the European Union, the United Kingdom and for the rest of the world.

‘We have got 367million vaccines that we have ordered from seven different suppliers, so I’m confident we will meet our target and continue to vaccinate the whole of the adult population by the autumn.’

He also sought to dampen fears the UK would not meet its target if doses were held up at the border, saying the programme remained ‘on track’.

Conservative MPs have warned that any delay to Britain’s supplies from the EU could ‘poison relations for a generation’.

AstraZeneca is expected to start delivering 2million doses a week by the end of the third week in January, its president Tom Keith-Roach told Parliament’s Science and Technology committee on January 13.

If the target has been met, it means the UK will receive six million doses over the next three weeks from factories in Oxford and Wrexham.

It had already supplied 1.1million doses by January 1, and initially aimed to hit 2million by January 10. 

Ministers have refused to reveal how many doses are already sitting in warehouses across the country ready to be sent out to the most vulnerable.