Viewers left frustrated as ITV Hub stream buffers during Oprah’s interview with Meghan and Harry

Britons have jokingly accused the Queen of taking down ITV Hub after eager viewers were plagued with technical issues ahead of the UK airing of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s bombshell interview.

Some viewers were tonight left frustrated ahead of the broadcast of the much-talked about interview with Oprah Winfrey, which is being aired on ITV.

And some took to social media to joke that the Queen was behind the technical issues ahead of the airing of the interview – which contains a number of explosive allegations about the Royal Family. 

One Twitter user joked: ‘Never underestimate the Queen’s ability to disconnect ITV Hub in times of need.’

Another added: ‘The Queen just disconnected ITV hub by the looks of it.’ 

Some viewers were tonight left frustrated ahead of the broadcaster of the explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey, which is currently being aired on ITV

Other Britons also complained about technical issues ahead of the UK airing of the interview, which was broadcast on America’s CBS on Sunday night. 

One Twitter user said: ‘When will ITV Hub sort this out on the Chromecast???

Another said: ‘Anyone else’s STV Player and ITV Hub not working?’

‘Oh my god ITV Hub is already crashing,’ one Twitter user said.

Another added: ‘I’m having to watch the interview on my phone because my stupid ITV on my Xbox won’t let me play live things.’ 

It comes after stony-faced royals today broke cover amid the continuing fallout from an onslaught of damaging allegations from Harry and Meghan’s Oprah interview – as they prepared for UK viewers to watch the bombshell documentary when it airs on ITV tonight.

Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, bore grim expressions as they were seen driving through London this afternoon.

The pair have been caught up in the wave of claims aired by the Sussexes, with Meghan earlier this month blaming them for leaking stories about her to the press while she was a senior royal.

Meghan has also accused Kate of making her ‘cry’ during a row over bridesmaids dresses.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have made no formal response to the interview, instead the only two posts on their official Instagram page today have recognised International Women’s Day, and Commonwealth Day.

Prince Harry today claimed racism drove him and Meghan out of Britain and the Queen was too busy to meet him as he piled on new insults to his family in a series of unseen clips from his bombshell Oprah Winfrey interview.

The Duke of Sussex accused the Queen of snubbing him after she was allegedly overruled by royal aides when she tried to invite him and Meghan on a trip to Sandringham after the couple announced they were stepping down.

British viewers are enthralled as they sit down to watch UK premiere of Harry and Meghan interview 

British viewers sat down to watch Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey tonight as one blasted ITV for ‘allowing a woman to appear on primetime TV just to slag off the Royal Family’.

The broadcast, which runs from 9pm until 10.50pm, saw people in the UK get their first chance to see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s conversation with Oprah in full, nearly 24 hours after it was first shown in the US on CBS.

ITV Hub appeared to be wilting under the strain of huge demand as viewers in homes across Britain took to social media to complain that the online service was continuously buffering or not working at all.

Commenting on the programme which first aired overnight at 1am UK time on CBS, one viewer said: ‘Treacherous! Actually allowing a woman to appear on primetime TV just to slag off the Royal Family!’

Another added: ‘So Meghan is expecting the world to believe that she didn’t look into Harry’s life at all? She knew nothing of the royal family? What an actress she is! She’s fooling no one in this little innocent victim act entering into a world she hadn’t a clue about.’

Meanwhile, Prince Philip was cleared of making a racist remark about how ‘dark’ Archie’s skin would be, with Oprah saying Harry had confirmed the comment was not made by the Duke of Edinburgh or the Queen.

Asked about the alleged comment at his Covid press conference today, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: ‘The best thing I can say is that I’ve always had the highest admiration for the Queen and the unifying role she plays.

‘And as for all other matters to do with the royal family I’ve spent a long time now not commenting on royal family matters and I don’t intend to today.’

Harry refused to reveal the person’s identity on Sunday night as did Meghan and claimed they wanted to protect whoever it was – leaving the rest of the family open to suspicion.

In one of the previously unseen clips released today, Harry said the Queen told him she wanted to see him and Meghan in Sandringham ‘the moment’ they returned from a trip to Canada in January 2020, but he then received a message from a royal aide saying the trip was off.

Harry claimed he then rang the Queen from Frogmore Cottage and she said: ‘Yes, there’s something in my diary that I didn’t know that I had.’

The prince said the exchange showed that even the Queen could be overruled by aides, who he accused of giving her ‘very bad’ advice.

Meanwhile, the prince reignited his war with the press, claiming that racism ‘was a large part’ of his and Meghan’s decision to leave Britain.

He said he was told by an unidentified person at a charity event: ‘You need to understand that the UK is very bigoted,’ to which he replied: ‘The UK is not bigoted, the UK press is bigoted, specifically the tabloids.’

He added: ‘But unfortunately if the source of info is inherently corrupt or racist or biased then that filters out to the rest of society.’

Meghan also discussed her own family with Oprah for the first time, claiming that she ‘didn’t have a relationship’ with her sister, Samantha, and that she only changed her surname back to Markle when she started dating Harry.

She said she ‘found it hard to reconcile’ with her father, Thomas Markle, who will be appearing on Good Morning Britain tomorrow morning, Piers Morgan announced earlier today.