Husband screams in pain as his wife waxes his nose

‘Things I do to cheer you up!’ Husband screams in pain as his wife waxes his nose in hilarious footage

  • Russell Sampson and wife Susan were at home in Rugby with a nose waxing kit
  • He starts filming with two waxed applicators sticking out of his nostrils
  • However, he finds removing them is far more painful than inserting them

This is the hilarious moment a Scottish husband decides to wax his nostril hair – with painful results. 

Russell Sampson, 40, filmed himself with a waxed stick sticking out of each nostril in an effort to amuse his wife Susan.

His appearance is made more comic by the protective moustache stencil he is wearing to make sure he does not accidentally remove his upper lip hair. 

At the start of the two-and-a-half minute video, Mr Sampson, who is lives in Rugby, gets ready to remove one of the sticks.

As he gives it a slight tug, he realises what he has let himself in for an exclaims:  ‘Oh you f*****!’ 

Russell Sampson

Russell Sampson, 40, stuck a pair of wax sticks up his nostrils for the amusement of his wife 

Russell Sampson

Russell Sampson

Mr Sampson had to call in the assistance of his wife Susan, right, to help remove the sticks 

From off camera, his wife calls out ‘Have you done it?’ and an exasperated Mr Sampson responds with loud ‘nooooo’.

He makes a second, unsuccessful attempt, grimacing in pain before swearing and declaring: ‘It won’t come out.’

He pleads with his wife to take over, and Susan reluctantly agrees.

His wife leans over and put too hands on the stick and pulls until she loses grip – around the same time her husband releases an animalistic cry akin to a bear walking into a large metal trap.

Mr Sampson leans towards the camera and releases a tirade of quick spoken Scottish phases interspersed with many derivatives of the word f***.

He then stares down the lens of the camera with tears in his left eye while considering his next action.

‘Pull it out I said, Jesus Christ.’

At one stage he admitted he would happily leave one stuck in his nostril to avoid the pain of removal

Russell Sampson

Mr Sampson suffered considerable pain after his wife removed the two wax sticks from his nostrils 

Increasingly desperate, Mr Sampson grips the bridge of his nose with his right hand and again tries to free himself from the sticky embrace of the wax with his left.

Before tugging, he asks: ‘Whose idea was this?’

He leans back again when his wife informs him that it was his own idea.

On Mrs Sampson’s second attempt, the white plastic stick is ripped free from her husband’s nostril whose guttural roar would surely see him employed as an extra in any remake of Braveheart.

A few moments later, Mr Sampson leans into the camera to inspect his now hairless nostril. He was forced to use his right eye as his left was clamped firmly shut in pain.

Mr Sampson then asks his wife what was on the stick. After she inspects it she responds with a ‘f***** hell’, only to be told off by her husband who said she should not swear.

After looking at the stick himself, he agrees, and claims: ‘No wonder it hurt. I might just live with this one up my nose.’

In the background Mrs Sampson can be heard laughing, while her husband looks remorsefully into the camera and claims ‘the things I do to cheer you up.’

As his wife continues laughing, Mr Sampson looks towards her hoping for sympathy claiming: ‘It’s not funny.’

Mrs Sampson then approaches her husband who flinches as she reaches towards the stuck stick. He reaches up to hold his nose while his wife begins counting, ‘one, two…’ and rips the stick from his nose before reaching three.

Mr Sampson leans back into his chair holding his hand over his mouth and nose howling like Chewbacca when Hans Solo is cryogenically frozen in the Empire Strikes Back.

After taking a few seconds to recover, Mr Sampson inspects the damage before adding: ‘I am never doing that again.’

Fortunately the viewer is spared whatever was stuck to the pair of plastic sticks.