Gordon, in a flash: Green shakshuka

Gordon, in a flash: Green shakshuka

Shakshuka, the North African dish of eggs baked in spicy tomato sauce, has become an essential item on brunch menus everywhere. In this version, the eggs are cooked within a bed of mixed green vegetables instead of tomatoes, making it extremely healthy, delicious and, more importantly, really quick. You can substitute my suggestions with any green vegetables you like or have knocking around in the fridge.


100ml double cream

60g cream cheese

2 tbsp chopped soft herbs, e.g. basil, chives, tarragon or parsley

Olive oil, for frying

1 banana shallot, peeled

50g asparagus, trimmed

50g kale

100g peas

100g sliced courgette

4 eggs

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


3½ tbsp natural yoghurt

1 tsp chilli oil

Large handful of rocket or watercress

1 tbsp freshly grated parmesan cheese or vegetarian equivalent

Toasted sourdough or flatbreads

  • Whisk the cream and cream cheese together in a large bowl, then stir through the soft herbs.
  • Place a flameproof casserole dish over a medium heat and coat the bottom with a thin layer of olive oil.
  • Grate the shallot, add it to the dish and cook for 1 minute. Add the asparagus and cook for 1 minute before adding the kale, peas and courgette slices. Allow to cook for another minute. Add the cream cheese and herb mixture, season with salt and pepper and mix well.
  • Make four wells in the vegetables and crack an egg into each one. Put a lid on the dish and allow to cook for 3 minutes, until the egg whites are firm but the yolks are still runny.
  • Take the dish off the heat, then drizzle the yoghurt and chilli oil over the shakshuka. Sprinkle with the rocket or watercress and the Parmesan. Serve with toasted sourdough or warm flatbreads.


