Anti-agers no one but you need know about: How can I get rid of the tiny red veins on my cheeks? 

Shh! Anti-agers no one but you need know about: How can I get rid of the tiny red veins on my cheeks?

  • An anonymous reader asked for advice to reduce appearance of red capillaries
  • Inge van Lotringen recommends light or laser treatments to cauterise the veins
  • UK-based columnist says right option depends on your skin colour and condition

Q I’m 67 with fairly good skin but I have tiny red capillaries on both of my cheeks. Do you have any suggestions please?

A You need light or laser treatments to cauterise the veins (the light energy penetrates the vein and causes it to collapse).

It feels like tiny rubber band snaps against the skin, with a few days of minimal swelling and some potential crusting afterwards. Most veins will be gone after a week and stay away.

An anonymous reader asked Inge Van Lotringen for advice to reduce the appearance of tiny red capillaries on both of their cheeks (file image)

The right option depends on your skin colour, condition and the appearance of the veins, so select a specialist with multiple vascular lasers and treatment devices so as not to make the situation worse.

Says Dr Selena Langdon ( ‘Diffused redness responds best to the scattered and more superficial light of IPL [intense pulsed light] treatment.

‘Well-defined capillaries are better off with a precision-targeting laser such as the Cutera Excel V+.’

She adds that dark skin tones should go for the Nd:Yag laser to avoid post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, while the Lumenis M22 vascular IPL mode is great for more sensitive skins.

Three to six sessions will be needed, with the cost for three for the cheek area ranging between £400 and £700.

Inge Van Lotringen (pictured) recommended light or laser treatments to cauterise the veins

Inge Van Lotringen (pictured) recommended light or laser treatments to cauterise the veins

Email your questions to Ingeborg van Lotringen, author of Great Skin, at [email protected]
