Pennsylvania’s abandoned ‘Graffiti Highway’ in Centralia ghost town is permanently shut down

‘Graffiti Highway’ – Pennsylvania’s oddest tourist attraction is the latest casualty in the coronavirus pandemic. The .74- mile long abandoned stretch of Route 61 that runs through the ghost town of Centralia has been a local landmark since 1993 when tag artists saw a blank canvas on the forgotten length of cracked asphalt.   Now the … Read more

Briton living in Wuhan reveals joy of freedom after lockdown tainted by draconian security measures

As lockdown in Wuhan is finally lifted, a 32-year-old British expat who has been working in the city for several years sends this vivid despatch on the realities of freedom.  At midnight on Tuesday, I was woken up by whoops and cheers of ‘Come on Wuhan’ as my neighbours in this city of 11 million … Read more

Briton living in Wuhan reveals joy of freedom after lockdown tainted by draconian security measures

As lockdown in Wuhan is finally lifted, a 32-year-old British expat who has been working in the city for several years sends this vivid despatch on the realities of freedom.  At midnight on Tuesday, I was woken up by whoops and cheers of ‘Come on Wuhan’ as my neighbours in this city of 11 million … Read more

Chancellor Rishi Sunak warns ministers ‘can NOT save every UK job’

Chancellor Rishi Sunak warns ministers ‘can NOT save every UK job’ as World Trade Organisation says coronavirus will spark the worst global recession of our lifetimes Rishi Sunak today addressed the media in Downing Street this afternoon  The Chancellor warned the nation will face economic hardship due to Covid-19 Earlier the World Trade Organisation warned … Read more

Momentum’s anger at Keir Starmer’s purge of Labour left as they call on Corbynistas to unite

Momentum’s anger at Keir Starmer’s purge of Labour left as they call on Corbynistas to unite to stop party being ‘taken over’ by centrists’ The organisation has called on left-wing factions within the Labour party to unite Momentum backed Rebecca Long-Bailey in the election, who lost in a landslide New leader has spent his first week … Read more

Momentum’s anger at Keir Starmer’s purge of Labour left as they call on Corbynistas to unite

Momentum’s anger at Keir Starmer’s purge of Labour left as they call on Corbynistas to unite to stop party being ‘taken over’ by centrists’ The organisation has called on left-wing factions within the Labour party to unite Momentum backed Rebecca Long-Bailey in the election, who lost in a landslide New leader has spent his first week … Read more

SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: Boris Johnson’s prep school secrets… by the Miss who knew him best

As the Prime ­Minister battles coronavirus in St Thomas’ Hospital, the woman who changed the course of Boris Johnson’s life has issued a heartfelt, personal plea, urging him to recover soon — for the sake of the nation. ‘He has great inner strength. We need him,’ Tessa Pritchard-Gordon tells me from her home in Suffolk, … Read more