Germany’s vaccine commission says AstraZeneca jab should only be used for under-65s

Germany blocks Oxford jab for over-65s: Panel says data on older people is insufficient – but does not support ‘8% effectiveness’ claim – amid EU row with Britain over AstraZeneca supplies German scientific panel said Oxford jab should only be used for 18-65 year olds It did not support widely-debunked claim that jab is only … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon accused of taking EU’s side in vaccine supply row

Nicola Sturgeon was accused of taking the EU’s side in the bitter vaccine row today as she vowed to publish details of the UK’s supplies despite Boris Johnson ordering her to keep them secret. In an extraordinary move, the First Minister risked undermining Britain’s position, with Brussels heaping pressure on firms to give the bloc … Read more

Wrexham industrial estate where Covid vaccine produced is EVACUATED

Factory that produces and stores Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is EVACUATED after it was sent a ‘suspicious package’ as bomb squad are called to site on industrial estate in north Wales A bomb disposal squad has been called to the Wockhardt pharmaceutical facility Staff at the site – in Wrexham Industrial Estate – received  the parcel this morning … Read more

Bomb squad to industrial estate where Oxford jab is produced

Bomb squad is called after ‘suspicious package’ is found near factory that produces Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine on industrial estate in north Wales Police dealing with ‘ongoing incident’ at the Wrexham Industrial Estate in Wales  The estate was last week hit with severe flooding caused by Storm Christoph  Area is home to the Wockhardt pharmaceutical facility which … Read more

Boris begins work on roadmap out of lockdown: PM hopes to present plan to the nation in mid-February

Britain is on course to vaccinate 30million people by March, it emerged yesterday as Boris Johnson began work to lead us out of lockdown. The chief executive of AstraZeneca, which manufactures the Oxford jab, said he was confident the UK rollout would accelerate. In an interview with Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Pascal Soriot backed the … Read more

Boris begins work on roadmap out of lockdown: PM hopes to present plan to the nation in mid-February

Britain is on course to vaccinate 30million people by March, it emerged yesterday as Boris Johnson began work to lead us out of lockdown. The chief executive of AstraZeneca, which manufactures the Oxford jab, said he was confident the UK rollout would accelerate. In an interview with Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Pascal Soriot backed the … Read more

Coronavirus UK: England and Scotland give out just 265,000 Covid vaccine doses on Monday

England and Scotland gave out only 265,000 Covid vaccines on Monday, official figures show, meaning Britain has missed its daily uptake target for the second day in a row. NHS England figures show 236,177 injections were carried out yesterday, while Public Health Scotland numbers reveal there were 28,558 dished out North of the Border. The … Read more

UK coronavirus cases drop to a THIRD of figure three weeks ago

Britain’s coronavirus cases have dropped to a third of the level three weeks ago, as the country’s second wave continues to run out of steam amid brutal lockdown measures. Department of Health statistics show 20,089 infections were registered today – well below the 45,533 announced two weeks ago, and 40 per cent less than the … Read more

German paper behind AstraZeneca vaccine story continues to run article

The German newspaper at the centre of a storm for casting doubt on the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine was still displaying the widely-debunked article prominently on its website today.  Business paper Handelsblatt has not retracted the story suggesting that the vaccine might be as little as eight per cent effective among over-65s, a claim based … Read more

German paper behind AstraZeneca vaccine story continues to run article

The German newspaper at the centre of a storm for casting doubt on the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine was still displaying the widely-debunked article prominently on its website today.  Business paper Handelsblatt has not retracted the story suggesting that the vaccine might be as little as eight per cent effective among over-65s, a claim based … Read more