Ministers are set to ban flights from Brazil and surrounding countries

No10 looks set to finally ban flights from Brazil today, days after scientists sounded the alarm about a new Covid super-strain. Boris Johnson and ministers on the Covid-O committee will today consider suspending all travel from the whole of South America to tackle the variant.  This could include other countries such as Argentina, Uruguay and … Read more

Ministers set to ban Brazil flights DAYS after new Covid super-strain emerged

Ministers faced accusations of failing to protect the UK today as they prepare to ban flights from Brazil days after a new Covid super-strain emerged – and new rules requiring arrivals to have tested negative were delayed. Boris Johnson admitted yesterday that he is ‘concerned’ about the latest mutant – which the Government has known … Read more

Fishermen threaten to dump rotten seafood in Downing Street unless PM sorts Brexit export delays

Furious fishermen threaten to dump rotting seafood in Downing Street unless Boris Johnson sorts out delays to exports since Brexit UK seafood exporters have faced a ‘perfect storm’ of problems since January 1 IT problems, bureaucracy and confusion have all played a part in trade hold-ups Reports made about shellfish rotting in ports meaning they … Read more

Fishermen threaten to dump rotten seafood in Downing Street unless PM sorts Brexit export delays

Furious fishermen threaten to dump rotting seafood in Downing Street unless Boris Johnson sorts out delays to exports since Brexit UK seafood exporters have faced a ‘perfect storm’ of problems since January 1 IT problems, bureaucracy and confusion have all played a part in trade hold-ups Reports made about shellfish rotting in ports meaning they … Read more

21 million reasons to be hopeful: Huge number of Covid-19 vaccines are now in the UK

21 million reasons to be hopeful: Huge number of Covid-19 vaccines are now in the UK… and there are enough doses to hit the target of injecting over-70s, health staff and care home residents by mid-February More than 21million Covid jabs are on British soil, the Daily Mail can reveal  Means all over-70s, care home … Read more

21 million reasons to be hopeful: Huge number of Covid-19 vaccines are now in the UK

21 million reasons to be hopeful: Huge number of Covid-19 vaccines are now in the UK… and there are enough doses to hit the target of injecting over-70s, health staff and care home residents by mid-February More than 21million Covid jabs are on British soil, the Daily Mail can reveal  Means all over-70s, care home … Read more

Covid UK: Patrick Vallance says death rate won’t ‘reduce quickly’

Britain is in for a ‘pretty grim period’ for Covid deaths which won’t fall for ‘some weeks’, the Government’s top scientist warned today – after the UK recorded its deadliest day yet with 1,564 confirmed fatalities.  Department of Health figures show the daily laboratory-confirmed death toll has risen 50 per cent week-on-week, with data suggesting the … Read more

Free school meals: Chartwells to include breakfast after criticism

Catering firm Chartwells has announced it will start including breakfast in free school meal deliveries in response to the fierce criticism of its meagre parcels.  The under-fire schools food provider has apologised and vowed to raise standards after parents railed against the paltry lunches it was sending their children.    Boris Johnson branded the boxes of … Read more

Boris Johnson says No10 is ‘taking steps’ to protect UK from Brazilian Covid variant

Boris Johnson warns a THIRD Covid strain could be heading to the UK: PM says No10 is ‘taking steps’ to stop Brazilian variant which experts fear is similar to highly contagious Kent and South African strains The strain looks similar to the ones that emerged in Kent and in South Africa This suggests it could … Read more

Covid lockdown: Parents reveal funny homeschooling disasters

How’s YOUR homeschooling going? Parent reveal their disaster stories – including a girl who uploaded a video of her reading silently and a complaint from the teacher over rude balloons Parents from across nation have shared some most amusing homeschooling fails Includes message boy got after changing screen to upside down Boris Johnson Eight-year-old girl uploaded … Read more