Coronavirus UK: Why is Boris Johnson avoiding stringent action?

The UK Government today announced it has moved to the second phase of its coronavirus action plan – attempts to delay the worst of the epidemic until the spring or summer.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a briefing with his Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty, and the Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, and … Read more

Luxembourg becomes latest European country to close its schools

Luxembourg becomes latest European country to close its schools and limit visits to the elderly after the tiny country records 26 cases of coronavirus PM Xavier Bettel said Luxembourgers will need to adapt in wake of coronavirus   UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said yesterday that schools will remain open  More than 200,000 commuters from Belgium, … Read more

Expert warns UK might not change behaviour until coronavirus death toll is ‘very big’

The UK’s coronavirus epidemic could spiral out of control if people wait for the death toll to rise before changing their behaviour, a leading scientist has warned. Professor Graham Medley, a disease expert at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said people risk making the outbreak worse by refusing to take it seriously … Read more

Millions of workers stay home amid coronavirus crisis

Millions of workers stay home as stunned commuters find car parks empty, train carriages deserted and seats available in coronavirus crisis By Mark Duell for MailOnline Published: 08:53 GMT, 13 March 2020 | Updated: 09:09 GMT, 13 March 2020 Millions of workers in Britain stayed home today as commuters found car parks empty, train carriages … Read more

Virus petition calling for PM to close schools tops 420,000

A petition calling for Boris Johnson to close schools has topped 420,000 as exam worries grow and universities ban face-to-face teaching due to the coronavirus threat. The form, started by Sami Attout, urges Boris Johnson to shut down campuses ‘in the coming weeks or as soon as possible’, to prevent the spread of Covid19. School leaders … Read more

Public health expert Professor John Ashton claims UK government has ‘lost control’ of coronavirus

A former public health chief has blasted the government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak as he said ministers had ‘lost control’ of the situation.  Professor John Ashton, a former regional director of public health for north-west England, said the government had ‘lost the plot’ as he questioned why it had not acted more severely.  He said … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Health experts on Boris Johnson’s measures

Professor Keith Neal, Emeritus Professor in the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, University of Nottingham Professor Keith Neal Emeritus Professor in the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, University of Nottingham The plans are sensible. It’s very easy to say more needs to be done, but there is little evidence to make any decision. If people who might have … Read more

Jeremy Hunt blasts Boris Johnson’s ‘concerning’ decision not to ban public events

Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said he is ‘surprised and concerned’ Boris Johnson didn’t lockdown parts of Britain to tackle the coronavirus ‘national emergency’ as debate rages over whether the PM has gone far enough to protect Britain’s 66million population. Mr Hunt, who since leaving the cabinet is chair of the Commons health and social … Read more

Most coronavirus infections might be spread by people before they even start showing symptoms

Most UK coronavirus infections could be spread unwittingly by people who have contracted the deadly illness but not yet shown symptoms. Scientists believe that up to three-quarters of people who tested positive for COVID-19 in the Far East caught the bug from those who already had the virus. Obtained from studying communities across China, Singapore, … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson warns we ‘may lose loved ones’

Boris Johnson today branded coronavirus the ‘worst public health crisis in a generation’ and warned that ‘many more’ people are going to die – but still held off drastic measures.  The Prime Minister said it was clear the disease will continue to spread around the world and people should brace for the ‘reality’ of ‘severe disruption’ … Read more