Super spreader in chief: Joint Chiefs chairman and generals quarantine – but Trump ‘feeling great!’

Just as early indicators pointed to a White House gathering to fete Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett Saturday as a coronavirus spreader event, the growing raft of prominent people with positive hits for the virus as of Tuesday raises the prospect of a common potential link: President Donald Trump. There is no known scientific … Read more

Senior Trump advisor Stephen Miller tests positive for COVID-19 

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1 Ronna McDaniel, 47. Chair of the Republican National Convention  McDaniel is thought to have been the first positive case. It was not made public until after Trump’s diagnosis.  She was last in contact with Trump on September 25. McDaniel began isolating on September 26 when a member of her family tested positive. She … Read more

‘Roid rage’ Trump crashes markets by tweeting that there will be NO stimulus until after election

Donald Trump sparked a panicked stock market sell-off Tuesday afternoon as he tweeted that he would not allow talks on a stimulus plan to go on before the November election. In a series of tweets sent from the White House residence where he is still on drugs to fight his COVID, Trump canceled talks with … Read more

‘Roid rage’ Trump crashes markets by tweeting that there will be NO stimulus until after election

Donald Trump sparked a panicked stock market sell-off Tuesday afternoon as he tweeted that he would not allow talks on a stimulus plan to go on before the November election. In a series of tweets sent from the White House residence where he is still on drugs to fight his COVID, Trump canceled talks with … Read more

Chairman of the joint chiefs and string of top generals QUARANTINE

The White House coronavirus outbreak took another alarming turn Tuesday as it was revealed the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and other top military leaders are under quarantine after a senior Coast Guard official tested positive for the coronavirus, two U.S. officials said. Gen. Mark Milley and the chiefs of the Army, Navy … Read more

Donald Trump says COVID is like the FLU and ‘are we going to close our country down for the flu?’

President Donald Trump compared COVID to the flu on Tuesday telling Americans to ‘live with it’ – as he faces a storm of criticism for underplaying the very virus for which he was treated in Walter Reed hospital. In a tweet sent from the White House residence, where he returned Monday night, he claimed that … Read more

Boy, three, woman in her 30s and man in his 40s die in incident in west London house 

Bodies of boy, three, and woman in her 30s are discovered in west London house alongside man in his 40s who died of serious stab wounds Man was found suffering stab wounds and was pronounced dead at the home  PCs found bodies after forcing entry to property on Clayponds Lane, Brentford Scotland Yard said it … Read more

Liverpool record ANOTHER positive coronavirus case as Xherdan Shaqiri is forced to self-isolate

A THIRD Liverpool player tests positive for coronavirus as his team-mates jet off around the world to join their national teams – after the Premier League revealed nine new cases in a week Liverpool winger Xherdan Shaqiri has tested positive for the coronavirus Shaqiri becomes the third Reds player to get the virus in the … Read more

Trump campaign releases parody video of president scoring touchdown after release from hospital

BREAKING NEWS: Trump campaign releases parody video of the president hurdling a defender and scoring a touchdown just minutes after he was released from Walter Reed to finish his COVID treatment at the White House The clip, which is a parody of a San Francisco 49ers game highlight, shows Donald Trump’s face on the body … Read more