Dashcam captures terrifying drive through California wildfires that have killed six

A dashcam has captured people making the terrifying drive through the California wildfires that have now killed six with two of the blazes now in the top ten biggest ever seen in the state, as Governor Newsom pleads with Canada and Australia to send help. Horrifying footage showed the scenes from a car driving through … Read more

Dashcam captures terrifying drive through California wildfires that have killed six

A dashcam has captured people making the terrifying drive through the California wildfires that have now killed six with two of the blazes now in the top ten biggest ever seen in the state, as Governor Newsom pleads with Canada and Australia to send help. Horrifying footage showed the scenes from a car driving through … Read more

Contagious droplets can spread more than 16 FEET from a patient infected with coronavirus

Since the coronavirus pandemic began, health experts have recommended that we socially distance by standing or sitting six feet (or two meters) apart from strangers. But a new study suggests that separation might not be far enough to prevent a patient from transmitting the virus.   Researchers found that contagious droplets can spread more than 16 … Read more

UK vows not to agree to alignment on EU rules as negotiating team gears up to resume Brexit talks

UK vows not to agree to alignment on EU rules as negotiating team gears up to resume Brexit talks tomorrow  A source close to UK negotiators says it will not accept any constraining deal The UK is still seeking a free trade agreement similar to the Canadian model  David Davis said that the 50 civil … Read more

Woman reveals how weights can change the entire look of your body in telling transformation pictures

A woman with ‘no fitness experience’ has explained why she swears by weightlifting for transforming your body in a short space of time.  Lauren Meisner, 29, left Canada in 2016 for the sunnier climes of Sydney to live with her Australian boyfriend, Sean. The pair have since got engaged and are making a life for themselves … Read more

Woman reveals how weights can change the entire look of your body in telling transformation pictures

A woman with ‘no fitness experience’ has explained why she swears by weightlifting for transforming your body in a short space of time.  Lauren Meisner, 29, left Canada in 2016 for the sunnier climes of Sydney to live with her Australian boyfriend, Sean. The pair have since got engaged and are making a life for themselves … Read more