Autism is twice as common in children whose mothers used cannabis in pregnancy

Pregnant women who smoke cannabis almost double the risk of their baby being born autistic, warns a new study. In the largest ever study of its kind, researchers found that children whose mothers reported using cannabis during pregnancy were at greater risk of autism.  The incidence of autism was four per 1,000 person-years among children … Read more

Beavers were cutting trees for food ‘before they started building dams’

Ancient Arctic beavers were cutting down trees for food four million years ago, long before they started building dams, a new study shows.  Scientists analysed bones of the extinct Dipoides beaver and plant fossils from Ellesmere Island in northern Canada to work out what the creatures ate.    Isotopic evidence indicates a diet of woody and … Read more

Ontario grandmother, 50, praised after body transformation

A 50-year-old grandmother who transformed her life – and her body – in her late 40s has admitted that she is being inundated with messages from admirers online, many of whom think she’s decades younger than her real age.   Cleaner, painter, and model, Charlene Farnsworth, from Grassie, Ontario, had been blessed with a slim physique … Read more

Ontario grandmother, 50, praised after body transformation

A 50-year-old grandmother who transformed her life – and her body – in her late 40s has admitted that she is being inundated with messages from admirers online, many of whom think she’s decades younger than her real age.   Cleaner, painter, and model, Charlene Farnsworth, from Grassie, Ontario, had been blessed with a slim physique … Read more

Hard cheese! Trade deal between Europe and Canada under threat because of row over halloumi 

Hard cheese! Trade deal between Europe and Canada under threat because of row over halloumi Cyprus voted to block a trade deal between Europe and Canada over halloumi The island wants guaranteed protection from products imitating the cheese It has become the first country to reject the deal which was in force since 2017  By … Read more

Hard cheese! Trade deal between Europe and Canada under threat because of row over halloumi 

Hard cheese! Trade deal between Europe and Canada under threat because of row over halloumi Cyprus voted to block a trade deal between Europe and Canada over halloumi The island wants guaranteed protection from products imitating the cheese It has become the first country to reject the deal which was in force since 2017  By … Read more

Ten wanderlust-sparking images that show the hypnotic beauty of Canada’s Banff National Park

Mesmerising lakes, mighty mountains and magical forests: Ten wanderlust-sparking images that show the hypnotic beauty of Canada’s Banff National Park The jaw-dropping images of the protected area in Alberta were snapped by Canadian photographer Kai Yhun The 26-year-old’s snaps show the likes of the beautiful Lake Louise and the incredible Valley of the Ten Peaks … Read more

6′ 4″ model gets creepy DMS from men asking to CLIMB her

A stunning six-foot-four woman has revealed that she is inundated with DMs from men asking to ‘climb’ her – while insisting that shorter guys are better lovers. Emerald Van Langen, a 32-year-old nutrition manager and model from Toronto, Canada, admitted that dating used to be difficult because of her height, but that hasn’t stopped her from … Read more

Kate Middleton dons £15 face mask by Amaia as she unpacks donations at a baby bank in Sheffield

The Duchess of Cambridge revealed how she has been left in tears after hearing the stories of families coping amid the coronavirus pandemic during a visit to a baby bank in Sheffield on Tuesday. Kate – who sported a £15 reusable cotton floral face mask from London-based label Amaia – spoke of how she went … Read more