FEMA will help the US open three mass vaccination centers in Texas to give 10,000 shots a day

One in 10 Americans has received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine as immunization efforts continue to be ramped up, new data reveal. Currently, 32.8 million people in the U.S. – or 10 percent of the population – has received an initial dose and 9.8 million – 2.9 percent – are fully inoculated, … Read more

UK COVID variant is spreading rapidly across the US, new study claims

Cases of the ‘super COVID’ variant that originated in the UK are spreading rapidly across the United States, a new study published on Sunday claims.    Researchers estimate that the variant, known as B 1.1.7., is between 35 percent and 45 percent more transmissible than strains seen earlier on in the pandemic. Because of its more … Read more

Georgia officials seize vaccines from clinic that gave them to teachers early

A Georgia clinic that flouted the state’s rules for who is eligible to get COVID-19 vaccins and gave teachers shots ahead of their turn has been barred from giving any vaccines for six months.  State health officials seized about 470 doses of Pfizer vaccine from the Medical Center of Elberton on Friday, after discovering it … Read more

Matt Hancock’s obsession with Contagion ‘helped him inspire civil servants to create jabs rollout’

How Matt Hancock’s obsession with the film Contagion – which sees disease-gripped nations battling for limited vaccine supplies – helped inspire him to prioritise Britain’s jab rollout Former DHSC adviser said Matt Hancock would ‘keep referring to end of the film’ Movie depicted vaccines being handed out using a lottery based on birth dates  The … Read more

Matt Hancock’s obsession with Contagion ‘helped him inspire civil servants to create jabs rollout’

How Matt Hancock’s obsession with the film Contagion – which sees disease-gripped nations battling for limited vaccine supplies – helped inspire him to prioritise Britain’s jab rollout Former DHSC adviser said Matt Hancock would ‘keep referring to end of the film’ Movie depicted vaccines being handed out using a lottery based on birth dates  The … Read more

Biden administration will start shipping 1 million COVID-19 vaccines directly to US pharmacies e

The Biden administration will start shipping COVID-19 vaccines directly to U.S. pharmacies next week, ramping up immunizations as new and potentially more serious variants are appearing, the White House said on Tuesday.  Jeff Zients, coordinator of the president’s COVID-19 task force, said some 6,500 retail pharmacies around the country will receive a total of one million … Read more

Dr Fauci says it’s ‘possible’ CDC will recommend that Americans wear TWO masks

The nation’s top infectious disease expert says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may recommend wearing two masks. Dr Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has endorsed the use of two masks, also known as double-making, in the past – particularly a cloth mask and then … Read more

UK’s super COVID takes hold in Florida and California

Florida and California are now the nation’s super-covid hotspots with 147 and 113 cases of the UK variant, respectively.   The 70 percent more infectious variant has now been reported in at least 32 states and there are at least 482 cases across the US, according to DailyMail.com analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … Read more

Only 37% of nursing home staff members have had at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose

The rate of coronavirus vaccinations is high among nursing home residents in the U.S. but low among staff members, a new report finds. More than three-quarters of people living in long-term care facilities had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 immunization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed on Wednesday. However, when … Read more