ALEX BRUMMER: Rolls-Royce | Daily Mail Online

Early on in the pandemic, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak was adamant that there would be no bail-outs for firms which had other options. Virgin Atlantic and other supplicants seeking funds were told to exhaust all possibilities, including rich proprietors. The wealthy backer for Britain’s top-ranked engineering and aerospace firms BAE and Rolls-Royce is HMG. It … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: Enter the age of penury

Enter the age of penury: The central bank money printing binge could end in tears, says ALEX BRUMMER By Alex Brummer for the Daily Mail Published: 21:53 BST, 14 October 2020 | Updated: 21:53 BST, 14 October 2020 Ten days ago Rishi Sunak made his bow towards past Tory values by reminding the nation it … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: The perils of closing Britain

The annual gathering of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) without the cacophony of voices heard when you bring together financial officials, economists and bankers in one place cannot be re-created online. It is the focused conversations in and around the IMF/World Bank meetings which make them the Wimbledon of global finance. After the collective misery … Read more

It’s beginning to pay to go green

Caring about climate change used to be the preserve of the sandals brigade, then it became woke, now, it’s big business. Whether or not you personally subscribe to the science of global warming is largely irrelevant. The UK government has subscribed to it, signing up to the Paris Agreement and going a step further, committing … Read more

RUTH SUNDERLAND: Don’t worship false profits

RUTH SUNDERLAND: The trouble with shareholder primacy is that investors tend to tolerate bad behaviour so long as it seems lucrative American economist Milton Friedman was a huge influence on the thinking of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan  Even Gordon Gekko’s ‘Greed is Good’ mantra is a simplistic interpretation of his theory By Ruth Sunderland … Read more