Investment trusts set to prove resilient as dividends come under pressure 

Investment trusts set to prove resilient as dividends come under pressure  20 British companies have said they are cutting dividends or suspending them But some investment trusts with an income bent should prove more dividend-resilient because of the income reserves they have squirreled away  By Jeff Prestridge for The Mail on Sunday Published: 23:04 GMT, … Read more

Demand for gold is soaring as investors seek a safe haven from market chaos 

Demand for gold is soaring as investors seek a safe haven from market chaos Demand this month is heaviest since early 2009, says BullionVault Number of investors opening new accounts  is nearly three times that of last year Over the past year, the price of gold in pounds has increased by nearly 30% By Jeff Prestridge … Read more

JEFF PRESTRIDGE: Another nerve-jangling week… but trusts could give hope to investors 

What a week, what a month. Enough to turn many investors’ hair grey (mine included) – with some no doubt wishing that commercial travel to the moon was a) available now; and b) affordable. After all, a month doing nothing but staring out on Tycho Crater, rather than seeing your investment portfolio plunge to new … Read more

How your ancestors are making you buy loo rolls and sell shares

Investment legend Warren Buffett famously encouraged investors to be ‘fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.’  But it’s hard to hold your nerve like the Sage of Omaha in these times of unprecedented uncertainty, when 30 per cent of the stock market’s value has been wiped away since the start of … Read more

MIDAS SHARE TIPS UPDATE: Stay-at-home boost for video game firm Team17

MIDAS SHARE TIPS UPDATE: Stay-at-home boost for video game firm Team17 By Joanne Hart for The Mail on Sunday Published: 23:03 GMT, 21 March 2020 | Updated: 23:03 GMT, 21 March 2020 Even as markets continue to plummet, a small number of stocks are proving resilient. Video games group Team17 is on that list. The … Read more

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Binge watch all your favourite TV shows – AND enjoy a share in profits they make 

In the world of e-commerce, it is easier than ever before to buy everything from washing machines to video games. But consumers are increasingly impatient. They want to make purchases instantly and effortlessly. Boku, a small technology business with big connections, helps them to achieve that ambition. The group has pioneered a way for people … Read more

From home shopping to online gaming, some firms are thriving: Here’s how you can spot them

It is hard to find a silver lining in the coronavirus crisis, but what is make-or-break for many business sectors – including travel, tourism and hospitality – might turn out to be a chance for others. With many people working from home, there is a huge opportunity for businesses that offer anything from online gaming … Read more

INTERNATIONAL BIOTECHNOLOGY TRUST: Biotech trust will prosper, says its doctor

INTERNATIONAL BIOTECHNOLOGY TRUST: Biotech trust will prosper, says its doctor By Jeff Prestridge for The Mail on Sunday Published: 23:02 GMT, 21 March 2020 | Updated: 23:02 GMT, 21 March 2020 There is no escape from the meltdown in share prices – irrespective of where money is invested. For example, although investment trust International Biotechnology … Read more

What should you do with your investments as markets fall? Five financial gurus respond

Between them, they have racked up nearly 130 years working in the City, managing investment funds worth billions of pounds on behalf of investors – through thick and thin. Five hugely experienced fund managers who passionately believe that stock markets reward long-term investors, however painful the present may be. We asked them for their views … Read more