First UK lockdown saw a ‘steep rise’ in cases of depression among children

The first lockdown to slow the spread of coronavirus in the UK led to a ‘steep rise’ in cases of depression, including in children as young as seven, a new study reveals.   Scientists from the Medical Research Council compared data from parents, teachers and children on the mental health of kids aged 7 to 12 … Read more

Dislike of physical appearance as a teen is a ‘strong predictor of depression’ in early adulthood

Teenagers who dislike their physical appearance are up to three times more likely to be depressed as adults, an alarming new study finds.  UK researchers measured body dissatisfaction at 14 and depression at 18 of 3,753 young adults born in the west of England in 1991 and 1992.   Increased depression risk varied based on gender … Read more

James Middleton reveals how Christmas trip became ‘turning point’ in depression battle 

Duchess of Cambridge’s brother James Middleton reveals ten-day Christmas trip with sister Pippa and family to her brother-in-law Spencer Matthews’ Scottish home was ‘turning point’ in depression battle Duchess of Cambridge’s brother spoke of Christmas trip which changed mindset James, 33, joined Pippa and brother-in-law James Matthews in December 2017 Parents and James’ brother Made In … Read more

James Middleton reveals how Christmas trip became ‘turning point’ in depression battle 

Duchess of Cambridge’s brother James Middleton reveals ten-day Christmas trip with sister Pippa and family to her brother-in-law Spencer Matthews’ Scottish home was ‘turning point’ in depression battle Duchess of Cambridge’s brother spoke of Christmas trip which changed mindset James, 33, joined Pippa and brother-in-law James Matthews in December 2017 Parents and James’ brother Made In … Read more

More than a THIRD of pregnant women are depressed due Covid-19 pandemic

Fifth more pregnant and post-natal women are suffering from depression due to stress caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, study finds Questionnaires were given to 1,123 women in the US between May and August  The majority were white women who have a degree and live with their partner  Reveals more than a third of participants (36.4 per … Read more

Tiers will make us anxious and depressed

Tiers will make us anxious and depressed: Harmful effects of new restrictions could hit mental health and increase domestic abuse, officials warn The assessment warned of an increase in alcohol use, anxiety and depression  Working at home is likely to increase back problems and accidents in the house For adults, physical activity will be lower … Read more

Time spent on smartphones ‘isn’t bad for mental health’, study says

Spending time on your smartphone scrolling through social media and replying to messages isn’t bad for mental health, psychologists say.  Analysing both Android and iPhone users, the British researchers found time spent on a smartphone to be a poor predictor of anxiety, depression or stress. People who scored highly on depressive symptoms, meanwhile, were not … Read more

Spending time on your phone ‘isn’t bad for mental health’, scientists say 

Spending time on your smartphone scrolling through social media and replying to messages isn’t bad for mental health, psychologists say.  Analysing both Android and iPhone users, the British researchers found time spent on a smartphone to be a poor predictor of anxiety, depression or stress. People who scored highly on depressive symptoms, meanwhile, were not … Read more