Cressida Dick says police will force sunbathers to move on amid coronavirus lockdown

Met Police chief Cressida Dick today warned that officers will force people to move if they are caught sunbathing in parks during the current lockdown as more photos emerged showing Britons flouting social distancing rules.  Officers were today seen patrolling Greenwich Park in south London where hundreds flocked to enjoy the sun on the weekend, … Read more

‘The NHS doesn’t just give up intensive care beds just to look people over’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was moved to an intensive care unit at a London hospital last night in a frightening turn in the UK’s coronavirus outbreak. The PM is reported to be in a stable condition, breathing on his own and ‘in good spirits’. He is said not to have been diagnosed with pneumonia … Read more

Michael Gove says Boris Johnson’s intensive care battle is ‘truly frightening’

Boris Johnson (pictured as his health worsened on April 3) has spent the night in intensive care but there has been ‘no change’ in his coronavirus condition Michael Gove admitted Boris Johnson’s intensive care battle is ‘truly frightening’ today as he said ministers are ‘praying’ for his swift recovery. Mr Johnson was moved to ICU at … Read more

Michael Gove says Boris Johnson’s intensive care battle is ‘truly frightening’

Boris Johnson (pictured as his health worsened on April 3) has spent the night in intensive care but there has been ‘no change’ in his coronavirus condition Michael Gove admitted Boris Johnson’s intensive care battle is ‘truly frightening’ today he said ministers are ‘praying’ for his swift recovery. Mr Johnson was moved to ICU at St … Read more

What happens to coronavirus patients when they are admitted to intensive care?

British medics were clear last night – Boris Johnson would not be in an intensive care unit unless he definitely needed to be. The move marks a serious escalation in his treatment and will not have been taken lightly by his team of doctors at London’s St Thomas’ hospital. ‘The NHS, particularly in this moment, … Read more

Tony Blair calls for senior minister to be put in charge of mass coronavirus testing

Tony Blair calls for senior minister to be put in charge of mass coronavirus testing as pandemic approaches peak in the UK Former PM Tony Blair demands Government minister takes charge of virus tests Mr Blair’s intervention came amid concern over if UK will meet its testing goal The Government has set a target of … Read more

Tony Blair calls for senior minister to be put in charge of mass coronavirus testing

Tony Blair calls for senior minister to be put in charge of mass coronavirus testing as pandemic approaches peak in the UK Former PM Tony Blair demands Government minister takes charge of virus tests Mr Blair’s intervention came amid concern over if UK will meet its testing goal The Government has set a target of … Read more

Dominic Raab deputises as PM as Boris Johnson in intensive care

Boris Johnson has been moved to intensive care after his coronavirus condition worsened, handing the reins of government to de facto deputy Dominic Raab. The Prime Minister was transferred to the ICU at St Thomas’ Hospital in London at 7pm this evening – 11 days after testing positive for the deadly disease.  He remains conscious and Number 10 … Read more

Coronavirus: Britain needs Boris Johnson, says Stephen Glover

Let us be honest. The fact that Boris Johnson has been taken into intensive care suggests that he is gravely ill. We must pray for him. I certainly am. His plight is confirmation, if any were needed, that this is a very serious disease that can leave even patients it spares in a debilitated and … Read more

Boris Johnson goes into intensive care: Dominic Raab stands in to run the country

Boris Johnson has been moved to intensive care after his coronavirus condition worsened, Downing Street announced tonight. The Prime Minister was transferred to the ICU at St Thomas’ Hospital in London at 7pm this evening – 11 days after testing positive for the deadly disease.  He remains conscious and Number 10 sources stressed he had been moved to … Read more