Raab said Johnson was in good spirits. We weren’t buying it

What a paddling pool of thoughts Dominic Raab must have been going through shortly after 7pm last night. This was moment that no de facto deputy leader ever fully prepares for.  They may be informed of their duties should they find themselves unexpectedly plonked into the hot seat, but that is mere protocol.  They never … Read more

Raab said Johnson was in good spirits. We weren’t buying it

What a paddling pool of thoughts Dominic Raab must have been going through shortly after 7pm last night. This was moment that no de facto deputy leader ever fully prepares for.  They may be informed of their duties should they find themselves unexpectedly plonked into the hot seat, but that is mere protocol.  They never … Read more

What happens to coronavirus patients when they are admitted to intensive care?

Boris Johnson was tonight taken into intensive care after he was admitted to hospital on Sunday night following ‘persistent’ coronavirus symptoms. The Prime Minister remains conscious and Downing Street sources stressed he had been moved to intensive care as a precaution should he require a ventilator.   The 55-year-old was said to have received oxygen earlier … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson taken to intensive care 

Boris Johnson is moved to intensive care: PM asks Dominic Raab to deputise for him as his ‘persistent’ coronavirus symptoms worsen The PM was moved to intensive care at St Thomas’, London, at 7pm this evening  He is conscious and has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to deputise   Mr Johnson has been suffering from coronavirus … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson taken to intensive care 

Boris Johnson is moved to intensive care: PM asks Dominic Raab to deputise for him as his ‘persistent’ coronavirus symptoms worsen The PM was moved to intensive care at St Thomas’, London, at 7pm this evening  He is conscious and has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to deputise   Mr Johnson has been suffering from coronavirus … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Antibody tests might NOT be key to end lockdown

England’s chief medical officer played down the prospects of a swift lifting of the coronavirus lockdown today. Professor Chris Whitty said that discussions about moving on to the next stage of the response to the pandemic would be premature until the nation has passed the peak number of deaths. He downplayed reports that this figure … Read more

Who will take over from Boris Johnson? Dominic Raab covers for PM at coronavirus meeting

In a Twitter video posted on Friday from quarantine in No11, where he has been in self-isolation, an exhausted-looking Mr Johnson revealed he was still suffering from a high temperature Downing Street insisted that Boris Johnson remained in charge of the UK’s coronavirus battle today despite being hospitalised for treatment. But the Prime Minster’s admission … Read more

Coronavirus-hit Boris Johnson in hospital amid UK crisis

Coronavirus-hit Boris Johnson is having checks in hospital today amid calls to hand over the reins of the UK’s fight against the disease while he recovers. The PM was dramatically admitted to St Thomas’s, near Downing Street, last night after doctors became concerned his symptoms have still not subsided 10 days after his positive test.  … Read more

Coronavirus-hit Boris Johnson in hospital amid UK crisis

Coronavirus-hit Boris Johnson is having checks in hospital today amid calls to hand over the reins of the UK’s fight against the disease while he recovers. The PM was dramatically admitted to St Thomas’s, near Downing Street, last night after doctors became concerned his symptoms have still not subsided 10 days after his positive test.  … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: Yes, we need experts but they’re not the ones who must find a way out of this crisis

Only a certain type engages in professional point-scoring in the midst of a pandemic. But Sir Paul Nurse, the Nobel prize-winning scientist, seems to fit that bill. On Saturday, in a lengthy interview for the Times, the geneticist and former president of the Royal Society laid into Boris Johnson for what he described as a … Read more