French parliament APPROVES law to fight ‘Islamist separatism’

France’s parliament has approved a law aimed at fighting ‘Islamist separatism’ by banned hate preachers and giving police the power to close religious schools.  France’s lower house voted on Tuesday in favour of the law billed by the government as a riposte to religious groups attempting to undermine the secular state. The draft legislation, which … Read more

Marine le Pen could WIN French election, senior Macron minister admits 

Marine le Pen could WIN French presidential election next year, senior Macron minister admits Bruno Le Maire, French finance minister, warned Le Pen victory is a ‘possibility’ He said far-right National Rally party must be ‘opposed’ with ‘ideas and results’   Le Maire spoke out after polls showed support for Le Pen at record levels  First … Read more

Marine le Pen could WIN French election, senior Macron minister admits 

Marine le Pen could WIN French presidential election next year, senior Macron minister admits Bruno Le Maire, French finance minister, warned Le Pen victory is a ‘possibility’ He said far-right National Rally party must be ‘opposed’ with ‘ideas and results’   Le Marie spoke out after polls showed support for Le Pen at record levels  First … Read more

French leader Marine Le Pen denies breaking hate speech laws by tweeting images of ISIS atrocities

French far-right presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen has denied breaking hate speech laws by tweeting ‘monstrous’ pictures of ISIS atrocities, a case she slammed as a politically motivated attempt to silence her.   The leader of the National Rally party appeared in a Paris court today after she was accused of spreading hate by publicising the … Read more

French leader Marine Le Pen faces three years in jail for tweeting images of ISIS atrocities

French far-right presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen is facing three years in prison for tweeting out ‘monstrous’ photographs of an American journalist decapitated by Islamic State.   The leader of the National Rally party appeared in a Paris court today after she was accused of spreading hate by publicising the images of James Foley, who was murdered … Read more

‘Out-of-control woke leftism and cancel culture’ in US is a threat to FRANCE, French politicians say

Politicians, prominent intellectuals, and academics in France have voiced concern that ‘out-of-control leftism and cancel culture’ from the United States is threatening French identity. They are arguing that American ideas on race, gender, post-colonialism – especially those coming from U.S. universities – are undermining French society and are an attack on French heritage. The collection … Read more

Denmark becomes latest country to recommend AstraZeneca jab for under-65s only

Denmark and Norway have become the latest European countries to recommend people aged over 65 should avoid the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine. Medical regulators in both countries said more evidence about the vaccine’s effectiveness among older people is needed before it can be safely recommended to them. Germany, France and Sweden have also discouraged people aged over … Read more

Covid: Switzerland REFUSES to approve Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine

Switzerland has refused to approve the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine amid concerns over insufficient data and regulators said ‘new studies’ were needed.   It comes after France, Sweden and Germany advised against administering the jab to those over 65 and Emmanuel Macron claimed it was ‘almost ineffective’ for the age bracket.  The Swissmedic regulatory authority said it … Read more

Covid: Switzerland REFUSES to approve Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine

Switzerland has refused to approve the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine amid concerns over insufficient data and regulators said ‘new studies’ were needed.   It comes after France, Sweden and Germany advised against administering the jab to those over 65 and Emmanuel Macron claimed it was ‘almost ineffective’ for the age bracket.  The Swissmedic regulatory authority said it … Read more

AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine will not be recommended for over-65s in Sweden

Sweden will not recommend the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine to over-65s, the country’s health ministry said today. It comes after Germany advised against administering the jab to those over 65 and Emmanuel Macron claimed it was ‘almost ineffective’ for the age bracket. Continental objections to the jab last week came amid a furious row between the Bloc … Read more