Australia takes a swipe at ‘desperate’ EU after Italy’s vaccine block

Australia has taken a swipe at the ‘desperate’ EU for not being in ‘a good position like us’ as the bloc’s vaccine shambles continued. Italy imposed the first EU-sanctioned export ban on vaccines on Thursday when it blocked 250,000 AstraZeneca jabs from heading to Australia – which was due to start inoculations with the vaccine … Read more

Italian PM threatens to ‘suffocate’ AstraZeneca as EU says jab contracts ‘MUST be honoured’

The Italian prime minister has urged the EU to ‘suffocate’ vaccine makers who fail to deliver on their contractual obligations amid a row over supplies from AstraZeneca. Italy imposed the first EU-sanctioned export ban on vaccines yesterday when it blocked 250,000 AstraZeneca jabs from heading to Australia – which was due to start inoculations with … Read more

Italian PM threatens to ‘suffocate’ AstraZeneca as EU says jab contracts ‘MUST be honoured’

The Italian prime minister has urged the EU to ‘suffocate’ vaccine makers who fail to deliver on their contractual obligations amid a row over supplies from AstraZeneca. Italy imposed the first EU-sanctioned export ban on vaccines yesterday when it blocked 250,000 AstraZeneca jabs from heading to Australia – which was due to start inoculations with … Read more

EU BLOCKS shipment of 250k doses of AstraZeneca vaccine from Italy to Australia

The EU has blocked a shipment of AstraZeneca vaccines from leaving Italy for Australia using controversial export laws for the first time. Authorities in Italy refused to grant a licence for 250,000 doses manufactured in the country to be exported, meaning the shipment could not leave Thursday as planned. Officials in Rome had informed the … Read more

EU BLOCKS shipment of 250k doses of AstraZeneca vaccine from Italy to Australia

The EU has blocked a shipment of AstraZeneca vaccines from leaving Italy for Australia using controversial export laws for the first time. Authorities in Italy refused to grant a licence for 250,000 doses manufactured in the country to be exported, meaning the shipment could not leave Thursday as planned. Officials in Rome had informed the … Read more

People with higher incomes are ‘prouder, more confident and less afraid’, study says

People with higher incomes are ‘prouder, more confident and less afraid’, according to ‘the most comprehensive analysis to date’. Researchers in the US and Singapore analysed income data and questionnaire results of 1.6 million people in 162 countries, including the US, the UK, Ireland, Australia, Germany, France and Japan. Higher income predicted whether people felt … Read more

Germany is set to approve AstraZeneca for over-65s

Germany is set to open up the AstraZeneca vaccine to over-65s in a major U-turn to revive its faltering vaccine programme – as the EU today looked for another lifeline by beginning the approval process for Russia’s Sputnik V jab.   Five weeks after blocking the AstraZeneca shot for older people, German regulators will submit their … Read more

Germany is set to approve AstraZeneca for over-65s

Germany is set to open up the AstraZeneca vaccine to over-65s in a major U-turn to revive its faltering vaccine programme – as the EU today looked for another lifeline by beginning the approval process for Russia’s Sputnik V jab.   Five weeks after blocking the AstraZeneca shot for older people, German regulators will submit their … Read more

Archaeology: 5,400-year-old cranium of a young woman was swept from its grave into a forming cavern

How part of a human SKULL wound up alone in an Italian cave: 5,400-year-old cranium of a young woman underwent an elaborate funeral ritual before it was washed away from its burial place and trapped in a forming cavern Caves were used for funeral practices in ancient Italy but this had no other bones Researchers from … Read more

Germany, France and Sweden blame EU and governments for vaccine shambles

Angela Merkel’s health minister today called on German regulators to approve the AstraZeneca vaccine for over-65s as a poll showed EU citizens giving a damning verdict on the bloc’s stuttering jab programme.   German officials have so far limited the Oxford jab to under-65s, and even they have been reluctant to take it after top officials … Read more