Experimental Covid drug may alleviate symptoms within just TWO hours

An experimental drug that may stop Covid symptoms in critically-ill patients in just two hours is set to enter phase three trials, Israeli scientists say.  Results on Allocetra show all but two of 21 patients given the drug were discharged from hospitals six days after the trial, on average. No deaths were recorded.  Covid patients … Read more

Britain will start getting out of Covid lockdown in late May if it follows Israel’s roadmap

Britain will only begin to emerge from lockdown at the end of May if it follows the Israeli roadmap for defeating coronavirus. Israel has started implementing a three-stage plan to exit Covid restrictions – similar to the blueprint Boris Johnson is set to lay out on February 22. Despite leading the world in the vaccine … Read more

Britain will start getting out of Covid lockdown in late May if it follows Israel’s roadmap

Britain will only begin to emerge from lockdown at the end of May if it follows the Israeli roadmap for defeating coronavirus. Israel has started implementing a three-stage plan to exit Covid restrictions – similar to the blueprint Boris Johnson is set to lay out on February 22. Despite leading the world in the vaccine … Read more

Drill-rapping ‘jihadi claimed “Boris’s treachery and deceit” would lead to riots and fall of West

A rapping alleged jihadist claimed the Prime Minister’s ‘treachery, stupidity and deceit’ would lead to riots and the fall of the West, the old Bailey heard today. Sahayb Abu bought an 18 inch gladiator-style sword, a combat vest, two balaclavas, fingerless gloves and a combat hat, jurors heard. The 27-year-old from Dagenham, East London, researched the … Read more

Drill-rapping ‘jihadi claimed “Boris’s treachery and deceit” would lead to riots and fall of West

A rapping alleged jihadist claimed the Prime Minister’s ‘treachery, stupidity and deceit’ would lead to riots and the fall of the West, the old Bailey heard today. Sahayb Abu bought an 18 inch gladiator-style sword, a combat vest, two balaclavas, fingerless gloves and a combat hat, jurors heard. The 27-year-old from Dagenham, East London, allegedly researched … Read more

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews clash with police in Jerusalem in protest over lockdown restrictions

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews protesting coronavirus lockdown restrictions clashed with police officers in Jerusalem on Tuesday night. Rioters from the insulated community were pictured burning rubbish bins and reportedly threw stones at officers who responded by using water cannons and other heavy-handed tactics to disperse the crowd. In recent weeks, ultra-Orthodox Jews have defied coronavirus … Read more

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu denies bribery charges as his corruption trial resumes

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pleaded not guilty on Monday to corruption charges at the resumption of his trial some six weeks before Israeli voters again pass judgment on his leadership. ‘I confirm the written answer submitted in my name,’ Netanyahu said, standing before a three-judge panel in a heavily-guarded Jerusalem District Court. He was … Read more

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews ignore Covid lockdown rules in Israel for Rabbi funeral

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Israelis participated today in the funeral of a prominent rabbi in Jerusalem, flouting the country’s ban on large public gatherings amid the pandemic. Photographs showed the funeral procession for Rabbi Meshulam Soloveitchik, who died at age 99 and had recently suffered from Covid-19, winding its way through the streets of Jerusalem in … Read more