Earth is 2,000 light-years closer to a supermassive black hole in our galaxy than first thought

Earth is 2,000 light-years closer to a supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy than first thought Japan’s space agency has created a new map of the Milky Way The team has been collecting data for the past 15 years, revealing new insights   Earth is only 25,800 light years away from a supermassive … Read more

Japan’s female suicide crisis | Daily Mail Online

Japan’s female suicide crisis: More people killed themselves in October than died from Covid over entire year – with women worst affected Japan has recorded 2,153 suicides for the month of October   The figure is higher than the overall deaths caused by Covid-19 in the country  Women have been worst affected, with suicide rates increasing … Read more

Japan’s female suicide crisis | Daily Mail Online

Japan’s female suicide crisis: More people killed themselves in October than died from Covid over entire year – with women worst affected Japan has recorded 2,153 suicides for the month of October   The figure is higher than the overall deaths caused by Covid-19 in the country  Women have been worst affected, with suicide rates increasing … Read more

Neuroscience: Patience determined by levels of SEROTONIN in the brain, study finds 

Patience is determined by the levels of the hormone serotonin, dictating whether you can calmly anticipate a reward or crave instant gratification, a study has found. Researchers from Japan found that artificially triggering the release of the hormone in mice made the rodents more patient when waiting for food in lab experiments. Furthermore, the team … Read more

China’s nuclear-capable stealth bomber could threaten US bases

Beijing’s new stealth bomber H-20 may have the capabilities of striking US military bases far beyond the Chinese shores with nuclear missiles, according to a report by a UK think thank. The long-range subsonic warplane is one of China’s most mysterious military projects in recent years and currently under development.  The Pentagon believes that the bomber would … Read more

China’s nuclear-capable stealth bomber could threaten US bases

Beijing’s new stealth bomber H-20 may have the capabilities of striking US military bases far beyond the Chinese shores with nuclear missiles, according to a report by a UK think thank. The long-range subsonic warplane is one of China’s most mysterious military projects in recent years and currently under development.  The Pentagon believes that the bomber would … Read more

Widower who faces spending 95th birthday alone due to lockdown is sent 400 birthday cards

A widower who faced spending his 95th birthday alone received 400 birthday cards to mark the occasion after a social media appeal from a young pal went viral. Tommy Houston faced being on his own for his birthday on November 21 due to the coronavirus pandemic. But he received a windfall of cards from as … Read more

Carlos Ghosn opposes extraditing man ‘who helped him escape Japan’

Former Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn has said the Green Beret accused of helping him escape Japan should not be extradited because he would face inhumane interrogation there.  Carlos Ghosn said Wednesday he was ‘shocked’ to hear Michael Taylor could be sent to the country, adding: ‘I’ve lived in the United States, I lived in Japan. ‘And when … Read more