Matt Hancock hopes ‘treatable’ virus will become a disease we can ‘live with, like we do flu’

Covid CAN be managed like the flu: Matt Hancock hopes ‘treatable’ virus will become a disease we can ‘live with’ after all adults are offered a vaccine by September Matt Hancock says he expects every adult to be offered vaccine by September  The Health Secretary has also admitted he expects UK to have to live … Read more

Matt Hancock hopes ‘treatable’ virus will become a disease we can ‘live with, like we do flu’

Covid will be with us long-term: Matt Hancock hopes ‘treatable’ virus will become a disease we can ‘live with, like we do flu’ within 12 months as he says all adults will likely be offered a vaccine ‘a bit before’ September Matt Hancock says he expects every adult to be offered vaccine by September  The … Read more

Police told they can get a Covid-19 jab but must not wear their uniform at vaccination centres

Police officers are told they can get a Covid-19 jab but must not wear their uniform at vaccination centres to avoid drawing attention to themselves Arrangement with NHS allows police receive a vaccine if there is spare capacity Internal memo advises officers not to turn up at vaccine centres in their uniform Measure suggested to … Read more

Passengers stream into Heathrow arrivals three days before hotel quarantine rules introduced

The Government’s plan to quarantine international arrivals in hotels has today been thrown into chaos as its booking website crashed minutes into its launch, while travellers were not allowed to reserve rooms for the first two days. Travellers from a ‘red list’ of 33 countries will be expected pay up to £1,750 to quarantine for … Read more

Passengers stream into Heathrow arrivals three days before hotel quarantine rules introduced

The Government’s plan to quarantine arrivals in hotels has been thrown into chaos as its booking website crashed minutes into its launch, after not allowing travellers to reserve rooms on the first two days of the new rules.  Travellers from a ‘red list’ of 33 countries will be expected pay up to £1,750 to quarantine … Read more

Pensioner calls clinic but is told they’ve run out of Covid vaccine

An unvaccinated pensioner followed Matt Hancock’s advice and called his local jab clinic to get an appointment — only to be told they had run out.  Paul Hardy, 70, from Barnard Castle in County Durham, said when he eventually got through the receptionist declared she wanted to ‘wring’ Mr Hancock’s neck. ‘She said, ‘Well I … Read more

Pensioner calls clinic but is told they’ve run out of Covid vaccine

An unvaccinated pensioner followed Matt Hancock’s advice and called his local jab clinic to get an appointment — only to be told they had run out.  Paul Hardy, 70, from Barnard Castle in County Durham, said when he eventually got through the receptionist declared she wanted to ‘wring’ Mr Hancock’s neck. ‘She said, ‘Well I … Read more

Lord Sumption blasts ‘inhumane’ 10-year jail terms for travellers

Former Supreme Court justice Lord Sumption has blasted a 10-year prison term for travellers who lie about travelling to mutant Covid-19 hotspots as ‘inhumane’. Health Secretary Matt Hancock yesterday unveiled the toughest crackdown on border measures to prevent strains of coronavirus entering the UK from 33 ‘red list,’ countries. From Monday, all arrivals from those … Read more

Compulsory Covid-19 tests for travellers could add £1,000 to the cost of a holiday abroad 

Compulsory Covid-19 tests for travellers could add £1,000 to the cost of a holiday abroad People hoping to holiday abroad face paying hundreds for compulsory tests Hancock announced all travellers must take two extra tests before entering UK  The two-test package will be offered to travellers at a cost of £210 per person   By Daily … Read more