Matt Hancock BANS households in parts of Manchester, Lancashire and Yorkshire from meeting indoors

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has banned households in parts of Manchester, Lancashire and Yorkshire from meeting indoors from midnight tonight. He claimed the new lockdown measures – set to affect three million people – were put in force after repeated rule breaches led to a spike in new coronavirus cases. The councils going back into a partial lockdown … Read more

Matt Hancock BANS households in parts of Manchester, Lancashire and Yorkshire from meeting indoors

New lockdown for the north: Matt Hancock BANS households in parts of Manchester, Lancashire and Yorkshire from meeting indoors from TONIGHT after repeated rule breaches led to spike in new Covid cases Councils going back into partial lockdown are Burnley, Hyndburn and Pendle Mr Hancock said it is ‘with a heavy heart’ that the measures were … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Government launches new test and trace drive

The Government will launch a new NHS Test and Trace public health campaign in a desperate bid to improve the lagging system after it emerged a third of contacts are still being missed.  A TV advert that will air tonight will tell Britons that if they test positive for Covid-19, they must hand over details … Read more

Matt Hancock guarantees people WILL still be able to see their GP face-to-face

Matt Hancock today said all NHS consultations should be carried out by phone or video unless there is a good clinical reason not to.  The Health Secretary said in a speech to the Royal College of Physicians that the coronavirus crisis had caused major changes to how the health service works and that some things … Read more

Boris Johnson warns UK not ‘out of the woods’ of coronavirus crisis

Boris Johnson today warned the UK is not yet ‘out of the woods’ of the coronavirus crisis after official statistics showed England had the highest levels of excess mortality in Europe in the first half of 2020.  The Prime Minister said ‘we mourn every loss of life’ as he argued ‘we really owe it to … Read more

Boris Johnson warns UK not ‘out of the woods’ of coronavirus crisis

Boris Johnson today warned the UK is not yet ‘out of the woods’ of the coronavirus crisis after official statistics showed England had the highest levels of excess mortality in Europe in the first half of 2020.  The Prime Minister said ‘we mourn every loss of life’ as he argued ‘we really owe it to … Read more

Ministers are urged to speed up their review into ‘inflated’ daily Covid-19 death figures

Professor Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the prestigious university, questioned why the review was taking so long and claimed it should be a ‘straightforward’ fix Pressure is mounting on ministers to speed up an official review into the way coronavirus deaths are calculated amid claims the daily counts were being inflated.  … Read more

Doctors should use WhatsApp to give advice, says Matt Hancock

Doctors should use WhatsApp to give patients test results and medical advice, says Matt Hancock Matt Hancock wants to increase the number of remote GP appointments He is due to announce that doctors should use Whatsapp to give test results He will also say healthcare staff should be allowed to attend meetings virtually The Health Secretary’s … Read more

Artist David Hockney lays into ‘bossy boots’ Boris Johnson’s anti-obesit crackdown

Artist David Hockney lays into ‘bossy boots’ Boris Johnson’s anti-obesity junk food, alcohol and smoking crackdown – saying ‘you might live to 104… but call that living?’ Artists David Hockney, 83, has criticised the government’s plan to cut obesity Yesterday it was revealed that two thirds of UK adults are above a health weight Mr … Read more