European cars will be £1,500 more expensive due to Brexit 10% import tariffs

New cars built in Europe are likely to become £1,500 more expensive on average for UK customers next year due to 10% post-Brexit import tariffs Department for International Trade today announced its post-Brexit tariff regime The UK is set to default to World Trade Organisation terms on 1 January 2021 This means European-built cars imported … Read more

Best second-hand cars for under £4,000

The next stage has been reached in the coronavirus lockdown, and the Government has advised people to return to work if they can, but also to avoid public transport where possible to enable social distancing to continue. It means many commuters who ordinarily use a bus or train to get to work may be considering … Read more

RAY MASSEY: Is YOUR motor ready to roll out of lockdown?

Easing the lockdown means greater opportunity to drive. So it’s vital to ensure your vehicle is legal and roadworthy. With ministers advising against public transport, driving in a self-contained car is sensible and safer, providing it’s well prepped.  The AA had 40 per cent more breakdown calls — largely for flat batteries, so do check … Read more

RAY MASSEY: Is YOUR motor ready to roll out of lockdown?

Easing the lockdown means greater opportunity to drive. So it’s vital to ensure your vehicle is legal and roadworthy. With ministers advising against public transport, driving in a self-contained car is sensible and safer, providing it’s well prepped.  The AA had 40 per cent more breakdown calls — largely for flat batteries, so do check … Read more