ASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley arrive at Kennedy Space Center in white Tesla

NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley have arrived at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, bringing them one-step closer to making history. The pair were chauffeured into the facility by a white Tesla Model X with NASA stickers placed on the front doors and decals on the windshield form each of the space … Read more

Does Elon Musk have the right stuff? Billionaire will blast two astronauts into space TODAY

Internet mogul Elon Musk today prepares to blast two astronauts into space in SpaceX’s $4 billion touch-screen spaceship, beginning a new era of privatised exploration. Veteran NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken will take a Tesla ride across Kennedy Space Center in their Hollywood-inspired ‘Starman’ suits and tap into their Falcon 9 rocket ship … Read more

Does Elon Musk have the right stuff? Billionaire will blast two astronauts into space TODAY

Internet mogul Elon Musk today prepares to blast two astronauts into space in SpaceX’s $4 billion touch-screen spaceship, beginning a new era of privatised exploration. Veteran NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken will take a Tesla ride across Kennedy Space Center in their Hollywood-inspired ‘Starman’ suits and tap into their Falcon 9 rocket ship … Read more

Coronavirus China: Air pollution returns to high levels

Air pollution plummeted over China starting in February when the country enforced lockdowns due to the coronavirus, but new data reveals emissions have rebounded since orders were lifted in April. NASA and European Space Agency (ESA) released images showing nitrogen levels from vehicles and industrial facilities have returned to near normal for this time of … Read more

ISS commander celebrates ‘gigantic’ SpaceX launch as ‘step toward future’ of American space travel

International Space Station Commander Chris Cassidy has spoken out about the significance of NASA’s upcoming space flight, which will be the first launched from US soil since the space shuttle program ended. ‘It’s a gigantic deal,’ says Cassidy during a live interview from space as he spoke about the Wednesday launch that will bring astronauts Bob … Read more

ISS commander celebrates ‘gigantic’ SpaceX launch as ‘step toward future’ of American space travel

International Space Station Commander Chris Cassidy has spoken out about the significance of NASA’s upcoming space flight, which will be the first launched from US soil since the space shuttle program ended. ‘It’s a gigantic deal,’ says Cassidy during a live interview from space as he spoke about the Wednesday launch that will bring astronauts Bob … Read more