NASA’s head of human spaceflight RESIGNS days before manned SpaceX mission

NASA’s head of human spaceflight quit on Monday, just days before the first commercial mission to take astronauts to the International Space Station.    Elon Musk’s SpaceX will become the first commercial company to fly astronauts to the ISS in a flight that will also be the first from US soil since 2011.  Doug Loverro, who … Read more

SpaceX is nine days away from its first manned launch

Elon Musk’s private company SpaceX has confirmed that its first manned space shuttle will launch next week.   NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley will take off in the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida on May 27 at 4:32 pm EDT (9:32pm BST).  As part of the ‘Demo-2’ … Read more

NASA unveils Artemis Accords to govern behavior of nations participating in the 2024 moon mission

NASA has unveiled a series of principles to govern the behavior of countries participating in the 2024 moon mission. Called Artemis Accords, the space agency will require partners to sign the doctrine that focuses on creating a ‘safe and prosperous future’ between nations in a new era for space exploration. The agreement includes 10 basic … Read more

NASA claims initial motion is key to ensuring a real-life WARP ENGINE is in drive not reverse 

A NASA engineer has claimed that getting a ‘running start’ would be the key to ensuring that a real-life, Star Trek-style warp engine is in drive, and not reverse. In Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity, our Universe comes with a speed limit — with nothing able to travel faster than the speed of light. … Read more

NASA’s InSight’s Mole is finally making steady progress

NASA Insight rover’s ‘Mole’ is finally making progress burrowing into the ground on Mars after months struggling to penetrate beyond the surface  NASA’s new approach of using InSight’s robotic arm to push the mole ‘appears to be working’ NASA has said  The 16-inch-long probe known as ‘the Mole’ aims to measure the heat coming from the Red … Read more

NASA’s InSight’s Mole is finally making steady progress

NASA Insight rover’s ‘Mole’ is finally making progress burrowing into the ground on Mars after months struggling to penetrate beyond the surface  NASA’s new approach of using InSight’s robotic arm to push the mole ‘appears to be working’ NASA has said  The 16-inch-long probe known as ‘the Mole’ aims to measure the heat coming from the Red … Read more