Sacked Amazon employee warns staff are at risk because they can’t socially distance

Designer Emily Cunningham was fired from Amazon in April after speaking out One of the sacked Amazon whistleblowers has said staff are at continued risk of COVID-19 because it is impossible for them to socially distance in warehouses.  Tech worker Emily Cunningham was fired last month for ‘repeatedly violating internal policies’ after she spoke out about … Read more

Imposing lockdown sooner could have prevented 2,000 coronavirus deaths in Scotland, study finds

Tens of thousands of coronavirus deaths in Britain may have been avoided if officials imposed the lockdown a fortnight earlier, a study has claimed. University of Edinburgh researchers said at least 2,000 lives would have been saved in Scotland, if the measures were brought in on March 9 instead of March 23. The official COVID-19 … Read more

Coronavirus UK: 140k in England infected, swab tests suggest

Around 560,000 people could die from coronavirus if half of Britain gets infected, a leading scientist has warned after results from the government antibody surveillance scheme suggested the virus kills 1.7 per cent of all cases.  Sir Patrick Vallance, Number 10’s chief scientific adviser, revealed last night in the Downing Street press conference that around … Read more

Britain will endure MORE lockdowns in future unless government changes its ‘dangerous’ stance

Boris Johnson’s ‘dangerous’ coronavirus strategy will lead to more outbreaks and lockdowns, an ‘alternative SAGE’ panel of experts warned today.  The independent scientists say the PM’s aim of flattening infections and ensuring the NHS is not overwhelmed until a vaccine is ready is ‘foolish’.  This is because GPs and councils have no idea how many people in their … Read more

Wife of US mercenary pleads for his release from Venezuela

The wife of a former American soldier charged with terrorism and conspiracy for his role in a failed Venezuelan coup has pleaded with the U.S. government to do everything it can to secure his release. Airan Berry, 41, was arrested in Venezuela on May 4 alongside fellow American Luke Denman, 34, and six Venezuelans following … Read more

The morgue the merrier! Thieves break into mortuary and steal ‘exhumation liquids’ to get drunk on

The morgue the merrier! Thieves break into mortuary and steal ‘exhumation liquids’ to get drunk on during South Africa’s coronavirus booze ban South Africa is into seventh week of coronavirus lockdown with alcohol banned Desperate drinkers forced their way into the Rest in Peace funeral parlour They stole four gallons of 97 per cent proof … Read more